March 13, 2025

VIDEO: 100k Subscribers Achievement Unlocked

Join is to celebrate the channel reaching 100k subscribers. And find out who won the merch sale contest – team flowers or team veggies. We are also going to tease you about the exciting new project on the farm this week that will double our farmers market sales!

Ian and Serina of YOU CANT EAT THE GRASS feel that every small change can make a big difference to the world we live in. Every garden planted leads to a better future. We hope to inspire and motivate others to make positive changes in their lives by sharing our journey towards greater sustainability as we build our family farm. It’s hard work to build a life worth living, and completely worth it!

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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: 100k Subscribers Achievement Unlocked

  1. Love your videos and lives! Been watching for the past few years and what you’ve done on the farm and video content has been fantastic. I find you both engaging to listen to and you do a great job with the editing and drone shots Ian. Thank you for keeping it real and providing a very enjoyable distraction during the pandemic!! Lots of love to you both from the UK and big congratulations on 100k!!!

  2. Ian. You are too hard on yourself, you are authentic. A genuine man, working woth your spouse through good and bad/hard times, you do not have to be an actor, you are good as you are. Speak with your own voice/personality, I wouldn't want you trying to be any other way. You talking now about the work of editing, gold for those of us considering doing something similar. The reality of all the work you both do, would be wasted if you don't talk about the work of editing. If the editing is mostly Ian's work, he should talk about it, the details, what inspires, what encourages, someone will benefit, I want to hear about it.

  3. I like both team veggies, team flowers.
    A regularly stocked roadside stand is a great idea. I hope and pray it is very successful. The real benefit is that you are diversified, any unexpected interruption of the farmers market (illness, whatever) you still have your produce selling. Your beets look, from here, worth $3. I'm not a fresh beets eater, ever, but I am trying to grow some (Virginia USA) to change my habits. The beautiful greens are an added bonus for your buyers, worth $3. ADVERTISE the roadside stand at the Farmer's market, ADVERTISE at the roadside stand for your presence at the Farmer's market.

  4. Congratulations on your subscriber's!! So excited for you, you deserve it. I honestly loveeeeee your videos!! I'm almost at 700 subscriber's, I have a long way to go but I won't give up, you're my inspiration!! Sending loads of blessings

  5. Woo hoo! I got to be the 1000th person to like this. Anyway, I like your all’s videos in general but your boy slurping on the straw and your interaction made this golden. Being a father of three girls 5 and under, this is something I know all too well.

  6. Great video guys! It was cool listening to Ian talking about the editing process, your transitions are on point. Serena you work so hard and the smoke took you out. Your body needed rest and I'm glad to see you are feeling better. I have been watching a few farming channels for last few years, and you guys have become my favs ❤️

  7. I use wood chips with my chickens. They prefer them and are free. No smell. Also 90% shade cloth and some tpost make a super effective shade for chickens

  8. Big congrats on 100k! I think I subscribed when you were at about 10k. It has been great to see your channel grow and I love your content. The new t-shirts are great.

  9. Ian you clean up nicely. Lol I have learned so much from you guys. Please understand that you are making a positive impact in the lives of your watchers.

  10. I love your genuine earthiness! I get what you are saying about making a habit to buy from local markets.if enough people come to market, even if 10 of you sell same thing, there are enough buyers to clear all 10 stalls out. It is a win-win.

    I think you will do great with the road side sales too. I look forward to seeing your next ideas!

  11. I love watching your guys’ videos!! My dream is having a small farm one day and watching you guys be so real and watching your beautiful farm makes me so happy! I also feel like I’m learning a lot for someone who may have a small farm and also wants to have a successful yourube channel! So thank you for taking the time to do all you do, i know it’s a lot of work! You guys are awesome.

  12. I have enjoyed watching you two since I stumbled on to your channel. The content you produce is fantastic, and your editing skills are top notch. Thank You! We all know, how much hard work you guys put into your family, farm and content.

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