September 20, 2024

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: "Gordon" the Groundhog is a new MOM?!

  1. Unfortunately groundhogs decimate gardens by me. One year they leveled an entire brassica patch in days. While sometimes I feel bad for them, I don’t have a problem anymore because I have a dog now and he makes it a point to hunt for them. He easily kills nearly a dozen a year. You’d think they’d learn to avoid the property, but they keep taking up residence under my shed. I try to work with nature when I can, but I make an exception when it comes to groundhogs.

  2. They're so adorable. It's a shame they are so destructive. They will compromise a building's foundation. Had one in my cellar that chewed through my subfloor thinking she could live in my house!

  3. Aww, glad to hear that you prefer to live with the critters around you and not have this urge to shoot and poison everything. You've obviously had Gordon for several years now and she hasn't been a problem so far, so why all this advice to kill them, don't get it.

  4. This was delightful, thank you. For most of my life I've viewed these guys as among the most stubborn garden pests to be managed. Having finally invested in a very robust fence, I also find that I can now enjoy their presence and it is very soothing to have learned to co-exist with them this way. Now if only I could do the same for squirrels, chipmunks and mice…..

  5. OMG to funny. That's why I love y'alls channel. It just brightened my day.
    You see I woke this morning & my little toy poodle, Ginger that's a g name?, was not up to par. Just had no get up in her go.
    So I called the vet & ask if he could see her today. Well their all booked up, just my luck. But they asked if I could drop her off & they would see her in between other doggie appt. So I just dropped her off & now back home.
    I'm a few days behind on watching my favorite channels. I think 5 days to be exact?
    So when I opened YouTube, here you are, my 1st video to watch & made me happy to see you posted another video. Yeah me!
    And now I'm smiling from ear to ear w/joy of cuteness you filmed.
    Oh I hope my Ginger will be fine. I've lost 3 dogs in 3 years, with loosing my little tiny toy poodle Snickers last year, her sister. Oh I pray she'll be ok. She's 15 years old & most days she acts like a pup. We even played last night before we both climbed into bed. YES, she sleeps w/me since last year after loosing her sister. I just didn't have it in my heart to make her sleep along. Crazy I am. But she's the last one left & I've spoiled her like crazy.
    Thank you for reading an old ladies boohoo moment. Have a great day & I wish y'all would post more videos, BC we all love the two of you,
    Chris from Missouri

  6. Good luck. You might want to invest in a kit for an electric fence. Those critters are voracious eaters and can wipe out a good-sized garden in one day.

  7. Groundhogs don't have human gender, so just leave the name. Even gendering them is weird. Any pronouns and any names work for them. They're Gordon the groundhog. Mom, homesteader, and survivalist. Also your neighbor.

  8. Another well-spent time on YouTube. Informative, great script, soothing voice and tone, no music (thanks a million for that), and not spoiled with unnecessary humour. Keep em coming, please.

  9. A chamber for sleeping, and a chamber for pooping. Groundhogs: they're just like us!

    (By the way, I'm happy to report that – having moved out of the city – I'm excited to finally put some of the gardening lessons from your channel into practice in my own backyard!)

  10. I only recently discovered this channel, but I love it! It’s calming, educational, and all around charming! Good work! You’re living the life I hope I can live once I save up enough!

  11. Yes, another great video! I've been enjoying your videos for years now since your van days, and have been sorely tempted follow suit and do a tiny-house or camper van tour of the country too in search of a rural home base. I have dual citizenship, and was actively making plans a couple of years ago- that is, until COVID and, unrelated to the virus, the ill health of a family member. But maybe, JUST MAYBE one of these days!!! I'm a perennial optimist. 🙂

    So, meanwhile I am living here in the Northeast US on my little postage stamp plot of land, and am host to one groundhog (or probably more) who has been living under the addition to my house for a good 15 years. The critters don't like the neighbors' golf course-like yards at all, with all those chemicals. I've been urged by neighbors to relocate them (illegal in our state), or to "do them in" (an odious prospect, since I am a tenderhearted vegan!). Thanks for filling in the picture of what my furry neighbors' lives are like!

    I do, however, have to admit it is truly annoying to go outdoors and find that the new tomato plants I've nurtured along since St Patrick's Day have been munched down to the soil within 5 minutes of going outside for a bit of hardening off. Or that the cilantro I planned for the evening chili dinner has been "mowed down" in the raised container, leaving me only a stray leaf or two! Oh, well… So it goes!

    Happy homesteading! Enjoy, and as I say to my own kids, "Take great joy in the small things!!!" Onward and upward.

  12. I feel bad about when I killed for juvenile ground hogs and the mother when they started damaging my garden and digging under my deck. At my new house I have groundhogs but they are not in my garden or near my house. So. I don't bother them. But, we can not be psychotically connected to animals. Respect animals. Do not expect those animals to do what you expect by believing that your actions are understood by them. That is, and never will be the case. Their survival skills are based upon instinct. And you are not a part of that. And never will be. Some animals will get tame to an extent. But you will never be able to place expectations on an animal because you want to cuddle it and talk baby to it. It isn't going to happen!!!!

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