March 29, 2025

VIDEO: I don’t know how to not have a garden. | VLOG

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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: I don’t know how to not have a garden. | VLOG

  1. When you can, enjoy Asheville on a Friday evening when they have the Drum Circle. Your family will love it. So nice you can take a little time to visit your friends, learn new things (cow milking etc.) and enjoy the cooler air for a reprieve. Got your stickers in the mail today – WOO HOO!!!

  2. Cows are pretty placid creatures. I walk through many fields with cows in, all of whom come up to the gate for a nose at ya, but you just walk through them and they move. They are lovely animals, you'll see, you'll be fine with them I'm sure of that. Bulls on the other hand are an entirely different matter and their temperament is not to be confused with that of a cow's. Good luck x

  3. Sad that you moved further East, but sooo happy to see you with the Rhodes family in NC…now I can watch both of my favorite homesteading families on the same video! What could be better?! May God Bless you and both homesteading families.

  4. ❤️❤️❤️ We grow Blue Lake Pole beans too, I put up canned this year and snuck a can already, yummy!! I love these beans! I eat them right off the vine ❤️ Though we really need a high tunnel to help protect from the heat and beating sun they look real abused right now. Gorgeous garden! What a wonderful experience!

  5. 3mins and 20 seconds in – I HAVE A VOLUNTEER White pumpkin from out of our compost. Took us a while to figure out what it was, we have 6 pumpkins already! More on the way. So exciting for the kids – we live IN THE CITY! Pumpkin came from composting one (decor) from patch last year we visited.

  6. I love your segment about the cows. I have had horses for the last 15 years but have not been around pigs and cows. I just added pigs to my homestead and I was sooo intimidated. I found that ultimately it is just like you said. Our attitude and confidence matters greatly. You can do this. You have learned and done so much. Cows are very gently creatures and are from my experience like all animals as long as you are calm and they get comfortable with you and the environment. Just like us 🙂

  7. I don't know if you looked into Dexter cows but it might be a good first cow for you to go into as they are dual breed. A pure dairy cow means a lot more milk to milk and process. they might be a good bridge in your journey of setting up your new homestead.

  8. I just started watching you today. Have gone back to the house being delivered video and all from there to this video so far, and I just wanted to suggest something. I've noticed on other YouTubers channel's that if you hand raise (or get a hand raised) bull and or cow they get to know you and your expectations. I watched on guy grab his bull by the "cahonas" today and that bull didn't blink. That's because he got the bull very young and loved on him (petted, talked to him, fed him by hand, etc.) Actually it's the same with all their animals. If he let's his mama goats feed from mom they're not as friendly as the bottle fed animals. He has one heifer and a donkey as well as many goats who literally try to climb in his lap to be petted. Just something to think about especially having children of your own. It'll make it easier for them when they get old enough to do chores etc. (Of course I haven't seen older videos and I don't know how your animals are with you now, but I just wanted to share what I have noticed).

  9. I’ve subscribed to your channel. I follow Justin and Rebekah. I’m 67, in a wheelchair but I enjoy watching. I live in Phoenix Arizona and our yard is pool and rocks. The rocks are going away and I want to plant some green stalk gardening. I want to move onto the county with land but that probably won’t happen. Where in South Carolina are you guys? Take your time but don’t stop! I’m excited to see the modular when it’s all set up.

  10. Have you thought of miniature holstein cows? There are several other breeds that are smaller, too. One website says holstein miniatures would give 1 to 1.5 gallons milk per milking. Smaller cattle might be less intimidating and a little easier to handle.

  11. It must be a US term…I have never heard the term "volunteer plant" before. In New Zealand we just called them self-seeded or self-sown.
    "I don't know how to not have a garden" resonates with me. At my last house, I had a big garden, and it was a lot of work. So when we had to move I was like "Nope, not having a garden this time. Nuh-uh, no way! Take a break!"
    I lasted about 2 weeks before I put down my first planting bed.

  12. It's so beautiful seeing those misty north Carolina mornings through your wonderful camerawork. If you ever head back this way, I'm in Hendersonville, NC, there's tons of Apples to pick, hikes to be had, and fly fishing in nearby Brevard.

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