June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Check Out My Off-Grid / Decentralized Water Storage

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About Urban Farmer Curtis Stone:
Curtis Stone started Green City Acres, a commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada, in 2010. His mission is to show others how they can grow a lot of food on small plots of land and make a living from it. Using DIY and simple infrastructure, one can earn a significant living from their own back yard or someone else’s.


Music commonly used on this channel:

Sweeps – https://www.youtube.com/c/SweepsBeats
Biocratic – http://birocratic.com
The Muse Maker – https://soundcloud.com/themusemaker
David Cutter Music – www.davidcuttermusic.co.uk

30 thoughts on “VIDEO: Check Out My Off-Grid / Decentralized Water Storage

  1. Curtis, you're a role model for all of us who wish to live on our own and to disconnect their need for government assistance. You don't know how many people you've affected brother. You've given me the resources I need to startup my agricultural microgreens business. I was in your Nov. 2019 class. My area has almost no producers so when I educate people about them or those who know about them find out about me, they become ecstatic. Along with the respect and happiness gained from my friends and family. All because of you my man, I will be able to support a family with my girl working for myself. I will always call you my mentor and always will have a shout out to you! Take care!

  2. I have a stupid question. So because of the way the check valve is setup is the well pump pushing against the water in the 4 tanks. I realize that there is the leg up to the top of tank 1 but eventually isn’t there enough pressure to open the check and create back pressure so it get harder for the pump to do it’s job. Hopefully someone that knows about these systems can set me straight.

  3. 3 questions…
    I didn't see a winterize heater to keep your tanks from freezing; heater like a horse watering system .

    Any plans to electric / solar fencing to keep your bear away.

    Lastly, a tin roof to protect the tanks and to shed off any ambers in case of a fire.

    Always prepare for the unseen events, your good.

  4. I saw your video from yesterday titled 'Do Not Share This Video', August 22nd, but it was yanked off by this morning. Is there anyplace else online that I can find it?

  5. "You are not your body," that was the most important message given to me by a gentle voice that percolated one afternoon in my mind while I was going through a 2 week long deep, dark depression. Then what followed was, "you are too attached to the body, and are taking this experience too seriously." And that was it. The voice went silent. The depression immediately disappeared, like an on-off switch, and for one week I was walking on cloud nine unaffected by the world around me. After the week was up, the ethereal veil of unattachment I had wrapped myself in was starting to slip down. Old patterns and habits resurfaced, and I felt like the hamster back on the mundane wheel of life.

    If we are not our bodies, then we are truly something greater, and our bodies are just vehicles to achieve the greatness that is in all of us.

    What I find so interesting today is how little we can tolerate suffering. We worry so much of what others think of us that we muzzle our faces with disgusting bacteria ridden face diapers, and we jab ourselves with experimental poisons just so we don't have to suffer being ostracized by complete strangers. We have become approval junkies, thanks to social media, and the more "likes" the better.

    Imagine if we used our bodies (vehicles) and bravely interacted with the world around us. Where we refused to wear masks, refused to take poisons, challenged authority and SUFFERED the repercussions, whatever they may be with pure integrity. Imagine if we stood back and viewed the suffering objectively, seeing that it is just a feeling that is part of the human vehicle, and through this perception we can see that we can control the level of pain we experience by our thoughts alone.

    I believe we all chose to be here at this time for a reason, and it is not to quietly coexist with the psychopaths and sheeps of the world. Everyone on this platform has a fire in them that needs to be expressed…whether it's writing, protesting, or just refusing to wear a mask. There will be consequences, but don't fear them. Keep fighting until your vehicle stops working and we're all together reviewing how well we played this game in the next dimension.
    Much love to you Curtis and Family…and All the brave brothers and sisters out there!!

  6. Hay Curtis I’m sure your too busy to reply. But I left a comment on Bichute. About my kid being held out of school for me refusing a Covid test. Even though she had no signs or symptoms. Honestly I wanted to vent and maybe hear your opinion on what I chose to do…

  7. Curtis great video, don't want to sound negative but as an Aussie I have to ask "why" you went with plastic tanks in a fire area? were concrete tanks not available? if you have fire there you can kiss them and all the plastic pipework goodbye mate. also if you build a shed over them with guttering it supplies you with instant water, no pumping required.

  8. Hey there Curtis! You may have already thought about this, but do you plan on putting a pump at the tanks for fire suppression? Gravity pressure off of the auxiliary outlets won't be enough to keep a flexible fire hose open or push a significant stream of water. When I fought wildland fires, we used a pump that pushed 125 psi on 1/2" to 1" flexible cotton jacket hand lines. Other than that, we're super stoked about your redundant water supply! Great job putting that together 🙂 We look forward to watching the more detailed version of this in From The Field!
    – Brian + Erin

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