March 18, 2025

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Free Groceries From Our Living Produce Aisle

  1. Now you cukes look like mine. We had far too much rain this year. Saw the beautiful yellow tomato and those did well for me this year. I have one Roma I let go wild that gave me 75 fruit and it’s still flowering. Peppers are doing well too. Zuke, almost done.

  2. Actually they are not free… you had to buy the water, pay the rent or mortgage on the land, cost of seeds if you buy, and any tools you buy and use, fertilizer if you use, any pest sprays you use let alone the time and energy you spend in your garden….
    So in reality they are not free…
    But you enjoy the fruits of your labor….

  3. Do you use chemical sprays on the fruits and fruit trees? I’m very sensitive to chemicals but I’m not sure one can grow fruit without using chemical sprays Hmmmmm.

  4. @MIgardener, 2 questions, 1. I noticed your cucumber leaves are turning brown and curling, my curcumber leaves are the same what is the cause. 2. Your zucchini leaves have a white film on them, my pumpkin leaves are the same what is the cause. Thank you for your imput, love the videos and the knowledge to grow big.

  5. Very nice! I bet that’s 40-50 dollars worth of fresh organic produce if you were to buy that from the store. My favorite thing to harvest so far are the fresh herbs.

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