March 23, 2025

VIDEO: Harvesting Some of The Rarest Tomatoes 🍅 for Seed From a No-Till Biointensive Farm 👩‍🌾

We spent the day harvesting some of the rarest tomatoes available to home gardeners. You can check out this amazing bio intensive farm at Slow Farm Ann Arbor.

Thank you Kim for letting us come out and tour the farm, as well as letting us pick (and purchase) over 350 pounds Of these amazing varieties of tomatoes. 

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Harvesting Some of The Rarest Tomatoes 🍅 for Seed From a No-Till Biointensive Farm 👩‍🌾

  1. For those wondering about cross pollination: Fear not, Tomatoes are self fruitful meaning they have male and female parts to the same flower. The chance of cross pollination is extremely low with tomatoes, and spacing even 3-5 feet apart will reduce the chance of cross pollination even further.

  2. I have some seeds I’m giving away, 40 avocado, 8 envelopes of Dates (medjool), 1 peach, 1 plum, 1 pear, 1 apple (red mixed), 1 lemon, 1 orange. Not sure the types, they are organic and just what I’ve been collecting for myself but I still don’t have the property and not sure if I’ll be alive. If anyone interested let me know. Kara

  3. I love the simplicity of the tomato cage replacement. What type of line are they using between the super durable permanent stakes so I can copy this system and be good to go.

  4. What's a good yellow slicer/beefsteak variety of tomato that is decently resistant to most things?

    I have one right now that without fail – gets diseased every year when the rest of my breeds do not.

    Or is there anything I can do to help prevent them from getting annihilated?

    I have a couple of family members that have sensitive stomachs, so the "Less acidic" tomatoes are better for them. Any suggestions would be great.

    My current variety I have right now is just a bonnies breed called "Lemon boy". Not the greatest, So I'm totally looking for more options.

  5. Luke, I have a container garden. This morning when watering my tomatoes a bunch of small black beetles came up out of my soil. I tried a google search but I’m not finding anything. What do I do?

  6. German pink? Never seen that one. My German Johnsons and German Queens have been awesome this year. Does the German Pink produce a lot of yield? Most heirlooms except Mortgage Lifter do not.

  7. I start off with amazing huge tomatoes plants and then they end up sunburnt here in florida… I've been trying to companion plant them in different areas trying to find the perfect spot for them to thrive here

  8. OH MY!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! You are my favorite seed source and I am so happy to have this sneak peak at the varieties coming out soon! So much better than trying to figure out from the still pics on a website! Get to see the whole plant and all like this it HUGE!!!

  9. I grew Sheboygan this year. It's a great sauce tomato! More prone to splitting than my Romas (but we have had a lot of rain). My Sheboygans are still producing strongly. Love them.

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