More flower guides: Sunflowers are ALL over my garden, and they probably should be all over yours as well. They’re beautiful, attract pollinators, act as a cover crop, and of course – are edible!
00:00 – Intro
00:36 – History & Background
01:31 – Flower Structure
01:46 – Tracking The Sun
02:37 – Cover Cropping
03:13 – Varieties
04:27 – Sowing
06:01 – Plant Care
06:49 – Problems & Pests
07:45 – Outro
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May I know what will kill root aphids especially the larvae?
Beautiful share my freind
I first saw your channel awhile ago when watching Charles Dowding before some of my accounts got hacked while I was living on some land. Prayers for flowers to make a comeback. I’m a California gal and grew up with a grandfather in the industry. Thank you for your videos.
I lost half of my sunflowers to sunflower weevils this year. They bore into the stem, and cut the head off.
Collect when it looks like a Shepard's Hook.
Mine all got eaten off to the soil level before they were six inches tall. I was very disappointed. I guess next year I will put wire cages around them or something
I love the summer and fall in california, there's sunflowers planted EVERYWHERE! Actually, i just went out to water my sunflowers and a bee greeted me! Sunflowers are soooo rewarding and easy
Tried direct sow and the dad gum squirrels dug and ate everyone of them!
I like the new house. The containers look good. I used to follow you when I had just started growing microgreens. I am not creating a channel to lend to our niche….. I appreciate you my friend.
I've grown them two years in a row now, and although they've been really successful, I find if the wind is really bad majority of them get knocked over. Does anyone know is there much you can do to combat this? would sowing them directly in the ground give them stronger roots maybe?
I never heard sunflowers followed the sun (which is good I guess), I just thought they were called sunflowers because they look like a cartoon sun in flower form.
First year urban homesteading and our sunflowers are 6 feet tall! Neighbors love them as they are the happiest flowers with long petals that flow in the wind. I absolutely love them. Hoping the seeds are tasty!
just to add staking them can be helpful in some gardens since they can become top heavy.
also the squirells will take down plants even if they aren't mature.
but yeah, they grow themselves whether the gardener wants them or not
I didn't know they have a four foot root. I should have composted mine. We just dumped it in the garbage.
I always make smiling faces on them to make my neighbours happy. I take away some inside flowers to make eyes and a smiling face.
The grasshoppers eat the leaves on mine and they're Russian Giants so they are just fine with some eating and in the case of my garden the Grasshoppers like them so much they leave the leaves of other plants alone.
So here I was, browsing how to know when to harvest sunflowers and I subconsciously kept telling myself, I only want to see Kevin, I don't care about the rest, give me Kevin sunflower video!
Share w/public in the USA w/Thanks! 9/5/5021, 1:00 a.m.
Yo dawg, we heard you like flowers
Mr Kevin, no offense but dude, if I can get a sunflower as big as YOUR head-thatd be awesome! Thank you for sharing. I only grow black oil sunflowers for microgreens. My daughters both grow mini sunflowers as we grow on a balcony.
great dear
Thanks for the video =) currently my biggest pest is my neighbor's I-give-no-Fs squirrel. I sprayed the guy with some water but it gave me a WTF stare. I apologized. So currently i have a squirrel feeding tray. not ideal. Please help or tell me how to collect rent.
Easy to grow if you don’t have deer or gofers!
i love sunflowers
Sunflowers are easy to grow and yet beautiful when they grew alr