March 26, 2025

VIDEO: The Secret to Instant Homemade Vanilla Extract

#AcreHomestead #VanillaExtract #ScratchMade #HomemadeVanilla

Instagram @Acre Homestead

Homemade Vanilla Ingrenents —
Vanilla Beans –
5zo glass jars with lids and shrink wrap —
Homemade with Love Sticker —
Instant pot –

Harvest Right Freeze Dryer –
Where I buy my bulk food from –

Links are affiliate links, but I will only recommend items I LOVE and use daily with no extra cost to you, and it helps support the channel! Thank you for your support!

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Secret to Instant Homemade Vanilla Extract

  1. I love the shrink wrap on the bottles. Home made anything tastes better. The good thing about the vanilla is that it never ends. Keep topping it off and occasionally adding more beans and that bottle will last indefinitely. Becky, you need to add more rum. Vanilla beans can mold if they are not completely submerged. I really enjoyed seeing you and your sister together in the kitchen.

  2. You inspired me to try and make my own vanilla. I ordered my beans yesterday. Not sure if I'll try the quick method or the slow method. Maye experiment with both. Holidays are coming and I'm going to need some vanilla.

  3. What a great video. I'm going to try this as it's so easy. The small bottles are lovely and so easy. Thanks to you both for sharing. I'm only new to your channel do you write books also with your tips, if not you should.

  4. I like your energy but The FDA requires 2.64 ounces of vanilla beans/bits per 750 mL (approximately 25 fluid ounces) of alcohol to define a “single fold” vanilla extract. While these are fine for gifting, if you or your viewers plan to sell your extract you will want to add more beans to be able to label your product as pure vanilla extract. More importantly, cooking alcohol under pressure is not safe. There are no pressure cooker brands that support this practice.

  5. So it should take 2 vanilla beans for an 8 oz jar? I can’t decide what alcohol to use, I strongly dislike bourbon and can’t image tasting Captain Morgan in my food (can you taste it?) I’m loving your videos!

  6. So, this is then for making cocktails or spiced drinks, but not for baking? Right? BTW, you sisters are just wonderful…God Bless. BTW, the next time you are in Arizona, if ever…go down to Mexico…past Tucson, and you can get pure real extract of Vanilla, in large blue bottles for 1/20 the price of aquiring it from your grocery or other suppliers. A lot of people go down to the border town, JUST to buy as much Mexican Vanilla as they can haul back….

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