I was called crazy for planting tomatoes in August, but I am here to show you that crazy or not, we are getting a harvest from our plants and at a time when our other plants are just beginning to fade.
VIDEO: I Was Called CRAZY For Planting Tomatoes In August
I was called crazy for planting tomatoes in August, but I am here to show you that crazy or not, we are getting a harvest from our plants and at a time when our other plants are just beginning to fade.
Really, hate? Did people really "hate" on you? Or did they have questions and doubt? I've noticed that anything that isn't total praise is considered "hate" these days.
Well done, i struggle with tomatoes still, will definitely be going with stakes taller than 4 feet this year, here in Australia spring has just started so i have lots of seeds started
I'm in zone 7, and I find that I don't have a problem with tomato die off until first freeze around Halloween. Mainly I plant indeterminates, because I plant a huge quantity (think 40 to 50 plants) and I can, so I don't want my entire crop coming at once. That would be overwhelming.
Normally I plant in April. They grow great, flower and even start producing fruit until about late June, then stall until late August/early Sept. During this time they still look great, just not growing much. Then I start getting tomatoes ripening by the bucket load up until first frost. For me, there's no point to planting a fall tomato.
But I used to live in zone 9. If properly cared for, an indeterminate will live for years. My personal record is 3 years.
I like your opening rant on possibility and perspective
. Keep doing you!!! One reason I love your channel is because you live in a similar climate zone. I loved the video on pepper plants, you said some great information that I could relate to growing my first season of chili peppers :). Thank you so much for the information!
When would I start Roma tomatoes to transplant to the garden in August Luke?
I planted four tomato plants back in August. I planted two beef steak and two Roma tomato plants. The beef steak are slowly dying. My Roma seem to be doing ok, but only has one green tomato on it so far. It does have a few blooms, so I’m hopeful. I’ve learned first to buy lots of seeds, because in August I couldn’t find any seeds left in any of our local stores. The second thing I learned is you want to buy plants buy them before August because stores either sell out or get rid of them, even in the greenhouse nursery. This is my first time growing a fall garden, so I’m learning. Your video has helped me understand why my beef steak tomato plants died out. I’ll make note of which kind to plant next year. Thank you for sharing!
I wanted to watch the fall tomatoes but didn't make it through the jealous rant…
I start tomatoes from seeds in July and August nearly every year. They are my favorite thing from the garden and I want them year round. Just put 13 new plants in the ground Saturday that I started about three weeks ago from seed. I did this in Virginia and again here in South Carolina.
Glad to see I'm not the only one who let's my tomatoes flop over
Such a motivating video…I'm so inspired to plant some more
This is why I watch your channel you try new things so I dont have to. Keep experimenting in the garden my friend!
I agree with you sweetie
Not in Texas still hot as ever
Awesome I can't wait to grow my own food
I live in zone 6 and the last few years I've been harvesting cherry tomatoes into October, weird because I didn't think there were any bees around to pollinate them that late in the year. Freezing temps got them a little earlier last year though. Going to try covering them this year to extend their growing days.
Wow, you have a cool channel. I came over from Arm's family farm.
Thanks for such a great video.
Was just introduced to your channel by Daniel Arms. So glad he did. We just learned a lot from two of your vidieos. Will be a subscriber from now on.
This is amazing !!
I am so impressed.im doing this next year
Thanks for the info. I'm new at all this, didn't know about 45 day ones or getting away with planting anything at fall. I live in Florida so I'm planting lots of stuff to see what I can get away with. Any food is better then none!
Luke I think I messed up,I used weed n feed on my lawn in spring, and have been using my lawn clippings In my compost all summer, did I ruin my compost, can I still use my compost in spring, help please. Thx Tim
What kind of tomatoes are these?
I’d like to try this next year.
People hating on garden growers is an all-time low. Smile and lighten up people! Spread joy!
Did you say when you started the seeds?
I am interested in getting some seeds. Can I get a tomato, peppers, squash, or maybe a list. An cost/shipping. I'm in Boise, Idaho. Thank you.