Harvest time!
But with so much to pick
Ben has some really rather clever ideas to share with you to make your harvest easier, quicker and help your produce to keep for longer. Yum!
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Great inspiration! got motivated and shared
My favorite was washing carrots in the garden. I have several of those black containers. I will defiantly try this
Carrot (and other root crop) washing. Love the perforated bin idea. Thanks for all these tips.
I've clicked the like button at 0:23 just because your cheery enthusiasm is what I needed in the dictatorship once called Australia. Thanks Ben!
I love the cleaning tip, so simple but very useful, thanks
Some excellent tips.
Thanks for the idea of red baubles, we offered a water source to good effect. Okra is another crop that you need to pick often and can be hard to find because the pods grow parallel to the trunks. They're just right when you can pluck the pods with little twist to the stem. Or use a small sharp knife.
Love the ornament in the tomatoes and the extended picker
The rhubarb picking – I always thought you had to twist the tem. Maybe I will remember next picking time…
You sir, are a ruddy gardening legend!
2:53 doesn’t leaving potatoes in the sun make them toxic?
Twist or snap bell peppers to harvest (don’t pull) so you don’t break the weak branches.
Thank you for such Great Harvesting tips

The best tip I have received has been for carrots. If you push them into the ground before pulling up, then they are easier to pull. This breaks the root hairs, it is suggested, so they come out whole.
That bit about washing the veg in the trug was a great idea!
My favorite harvesting tip is to do my daily walk-about through the garden eating as i go, raspberries, cherry tomato's, spinach, beans, carrots, best way to do a walk through and check.
I chop and freeze green tomatoes in freezer bags. They are wonderful in stews and soups and curries in our cold Canadian winters. Love your videos, btw.
Love the bottle fruit- grabber!
May I ask what's the name of the verity of brocolli that's in your garden?
Cut-bottle on a stick is ingenious.
Thank you great video
I love having several pairs of scissors or kitchen shears in my gardening stuff for use in garden, trimming and prepping plants and seedlings