March 23, 2025

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: This is My Strategy For a Successful Fall Garden

  1. I love your videos!! Just moved to a house with a decent garden and love planting!! even though I have never planted anything before at all. Your videos are super useful as I am a beginner and you explain everything in much needed detail. Thank you !!

  2. Here in North Carolina it might be 75 one day then in the teens two days later. Obviously that's later in the winter but you get the drift. I think we had 4 or 5 days all winter last year that dropped below 35, maybe one or two days of freezing weather. I'm gonna plant till they wont germinate

  3. A lot of the winter hardy vegetables make food for my family, as well as forage for my rabbits (which make food for my family). The rabbits’ favorite is bok choy.

  4. Hi I just want you to know that I am enjoying your channel immensely I work at a training facility for adults with Special needs and we have a community garden you had sent us some free seeds for our seed pantry and I also watch the arms Homestead on YouTube and he talked about you as well so now I’m subscribed to your channel. I am enjoying your gardening channel as well but when you add fishing??

  5. I just kept replanting this year due to weather and cold nights in June. Oct 11 picked a watermelon, have handful of green beans, tomatoes, green peppers, onions, lettuce, peas and chard. Unreal. Always have garden cleared by now. Zone 6. Hopefully it keeps going even longer!

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