March 20, 2025

VIDEO: Homemade Pizza Sauce! Cook dinner with me!

#AcreHomestead #PizzaSauce #WaterBathCanning #BallCanning

Instagram @Acre Homestead

** UPDATE TO RECIPE** Tomatoes must be peeled before canning. This is a new update to the canning guidelines. Once your tomato sauce is done, run it through a food mill.

Homemade pizza sauce has been a game-changer for me! It allows me to make homemade meals in minutes! I hope you all give this a try!!

Pizza Sauce Recipe:
Pizza Dough Recipe –

Canning Supplies I Used:
Ball Canning Cookbook (My Favorite!!) —
Hand Blender —
22 Quart Roaster Pan —
Presto Pressure Canner —
Water Bath Canner —
Canning Equipment Essential Supplies Kit —
Non-Iodized Salt (Pink Himalayan Salt) —

Some of my favorite kitchen essentials!
Vitamix –
9 Tray Excalibur Dehydrator —
Food Processor –
Korean Red Pepper Flakes —
Instant Pot —
Spice Jars —
Stainless Steel Strainers —
Glass Snap Wear food containers —
American Test Kitchen Cooking School —
Large Food Storage Containers —

Links are affiliate links, but I will only recommend items I LOVE and use daily with no extra cost to you, and it helps support the channel! Thank you for your support!

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Homemade Pizza Sauce! Cook dinner with me!

  1. I've noticed that when ur jars break it's when you are using ur canner to water bath…do u have something on the bottom of the pot like a cloth or tray to protect the jars …just a thought . Love watching your channel!

  2. I've had one of those roasters for years. Saves so much time for tomato preservation. And, no more peeling and steaming squash and pumpkins for freezing. Just bake 'em in the cooker, let 'em cool and scoop the "meat" out. Pumpkin I usually blitz in the Ninja for pies. I really like your channel! Thank you for your content. I know it's hard work.

  3. Thank you so much for this! I made pizza sauce from another recipe I found and it's so watery. I'm going to open them all tomorrow and cook down more.

    I only have one thing to ask, could you please slow down some when you are talking.

  4. Hi Becky, thank you for sharing so much great information with us! I do have a concern that may be unwarranted, but on your recent apple preservation video ,and again on this one, it looks like you take your produce directly from the container picked into then process, without rinsing/washing anything. Maybe you clean them off camera before starting your processing, but I think it's considered safe processing practice to at least rinse everything before processing, so it's worth at least mentioing. Wild birds and animals, bugs and their droppings, air pollution, soil that may contain manure or pet waste, bacteria, etc. all have access to even the cleanest of gardens. Just something to consider as part of demonstrating safe preservation techniques.

  5. So i have the same canning book like you. I have a few questions. You added more ingredient then what is in the recipes, I really like this. The recipe in the book looked so plain. Then you added the lemon juice to the jar and not in the pot. I really like that idea and how did you know that was ok. Is it in the book where I have not read yet? Thank you for sharing you are an amazing gardener and cook.

  6. Absolutely enjoying the pizza sauce prep!!! I bought a roaster a couple of years ago but my husband didn't care for how it cooked turkey so I've been looking for a use for mine. So glad to see you using your FoodSaver 🙂

  7. I can about 6 or more individual sauces so they are available when I want them ni may combine them also or use as a base for something else:. Puttanesca, Marina, cacciatore, a vegetable/tomatoes garden sauce, salsas, ratatouille, and a few others that escape me. I haven't done pizza sauce which looks yummy

  8. Just made this pizza dough recipe with King Arthurs '00' pizza flour and it is the greatest pizza dough I've ever had! My family LOVES it! Highly recommend trying pizza flour!!!

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