February 20, 2025

VIDEO: Corrective Movements To Rebuild The Body with Ben Pelton

Ben Pelton is a movement connoisseur, fitness consultant and mobility specialist who teaches dynamic training systems developed for postural correction and regenerative living. He shares exercises that can immediately enhance one’s quality of life and shows a process for evaluating and correcting joint tissue health. These powerful yet simple exercises will help build strength to stabilize the core musculature and the spine. Ben teaches about reconditioning the tissue, caring for fascia and moving correctly with a keen awareness of the biophysiology of movement and how the body works.
In part 1, Ben introduces himself and begins to lay the foundational knowledge upon which the movement principles are based.

6 thoughts on “VIDEO: Corrective Movements To Rebuild The Body with Ben Pelton

  1. Autoimmune disorders are also linked to vaccines with mountains of data as support. I have read many studies during the last fifteen years. Thanks for what you do here!

  2. Thanks! Nice to see this kind of work in a space working with regenerative agriculture. It’s important to me to inform you of the existence of somatic movement practices such as BodyMind Centering, Skinner Releasing Technique and Ideokinesis. All of this information is a huge huge portion of BodyMind Centering which has been practiced by dancers in the US since the 1950s and is thoroughly developed today all over the world. I think you could find a lot of complementary knowledge there. Also important for me to mention in terms of references and appropriation of knowledge, or not “steal” concepts and pretend they are your own. And if you did made them up, then I think it is important that you know that practices dealing with exactly the same ideas and exercises have a very long lineage and are thoroughly developed. For me it is a political practice to mention this, as many body workers and somatic movement practitioners (especially female)

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