June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Productive Fall Garden 🍁Keep Growing!

It’s the end of the growing season… or is it?! Ben takes us on a tour of his garden and shows us some essential jobs to do and some essential crops to grow this autumn, to keep you growing right into spring.

For yummy and ingenious ways to store your produce over winter, check out Ben’s water bath canning tips in this video: https://youtu.be/ABzE2jI3YpM

Or if you have a glut of green tomatoes, here are some scrumptious recipes and ideas for what to do with them https://youtu.be/gGV_CiYLmV0

If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which helps you to plan and design your garden to maximise yields and get more out of your garden all year round.
It’s available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…

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If you’ve noticed any pests or beneficial insects in your garden lately please report them to us at https://BigBugHunt.com

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Productive Fall Garden 🍁Keep Growing!

  1. 1min ish: Glad you mention the beans. Ours are still going fairly strong too. Personally am freezing them in chunks, ready to cook, but your recipe sounds lovely too.

    With the marrows, They're often a little easier on the hands for wee ones just coming to the age for jackolanterns. Friend of mine made some lovely candle lanterns as a table centrepiece with her wee one about the age of your Isla. She just flattened one end so it would stand on the plate, then Arwen taped her picture round the outside and they worked together to carve the design in. IIRC it was mainly flowers and stars. Add in a tealight & you're away (obviously has to have a constant eye on etc of course).

  2. In North America oversized zucchini aren't called "marrows"…they're used as baseball bats. You mentioned overwintering your peppers, so if you could share how you do that with tomatoes and eggplant as well (and anything else you can do that with!) that would be great! Not all of us have greenhouses, but if we can keep the plants in a sunny spot and get a jump on spring, that would be fab!

  3. Can I ask a question about your tomato plants in straw bales – how does it work, it’s been a real difficulty with watering in our greenhouse this year so any tips for next year would be fab

  4. hi great vlog, you asked wat we would like to see in your vlogs i really liked your vlog today see your garden and wats going on there, its great to have the information vlogs you do but its all so really good seeing your whole garden and wat you do there 😉

  5. We use the big zucchinis (or as you say "marrow") for making zucchini bread. I don't know anyone who doesn't love zucchini bread. It's just like a loaf cake. Extremely moist, lots of variations you can try (chocolate zucchini bread, add raisins, walnuts, some add coconut flakes. Some people make zucchini muffins.) They also freeze well, and are even more moist if frozen then thawed.
    Years ago my grandmother got a recipe off of a friend, for making strawberry jam out of green tomatoes. They usually made this towards the end of the season, with the green tomatoes that weren't ripened yet, and the plants were looking raggedy, and ready to be pulled up. I remember we stopped by to visit her, and she got the strawberry "green tomatoes" jam out for us to sample. I was hesitant to try it, but did… and was quite surprised at how it did indeed taste just like real strawberry jam. If I recall correctly, the recipe uses strawberry jello to flavor the green tomatoes. I'm pretty sure you can find the recipe online! But she loved the fact that it was using the tomatoes that were green, instead of wasting them.

  6. Autumn! I can only imagine what it must be like to experience the changing of the four seasons. Here in central Florida USA we have two seasons: February and summer.

  7. Marrows -cut into cubes and boil with some water, a potato, garlic and seasoning and then puree it with an immersion blender, add creme and some fresh herbs like parsley or coriander and you have a fine soup.

  8. Hello friends. Do you believe in an afterlife? What if I told you that there was one? It's true! And you can control where you go. There are two places. Heaven and Hell. Heaven is a place of eternal happiness, bliss and presence of God. Hell is the opposite. With eternal torment and lack of God. All good things come from God, so Hell is the absence of all good things. Which of these two places do you want to go to. Heaven or Hell. Heaven right? Let's see if you qualify. The standard for Gods judgment are his laws. 10 of the most important ones are the 10 Commandments. One of these commandments is "Thou shalt not covet" which simplified means don't be jealous. Have you ever been jealous before? Another one of the commandments is "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." Being simplified that means don't lie. Have you ever lied before? God says that all liars shall have their part in the lake of fire (Hell). I have lied before but still know that I am going to heaven. You know why? Jesus Christ. Without Jesus Christ, everyone who ever lived would go to Hell, but because of the sinless lambs (Jesus Christ') sacrifice on the cross, anyone can go to heaven! There are conditions though. You must repent (Turn away) from your sins (there are many more than the ones I have mentioned), and turn to Christ and give him you life. That is easier said than done, but all things are possible through Christ! Now I encourage you to get a copy of the Bible. There are many apps online of the Bible for completely free! I recommend that you start with the Gospel of Luke. That book is in the New testament. It tells the story of Jesus Christ and of some of the miracles he preformed. May God Bless you on your journey with Christ! I will try to answer serious questions so feel free to ask me anything about Christianity. – Alex Perez, follower of Christ.

  9. I interspersed some African marigolds grown from seed between all of my kale and spinach last year. They bloomed for ages and I had the best pest-free crop ever!

  10. I know that you compost so that you have an idea of the contribution which your trimmings add to your soil either by the barrow or the height of the compost, but perhaps you can add some of the stalks, green grass trimmings to the sides of the beds in which you have your spring crops so that they will decompose over the winter into the soil. Will be looking for some of your other videos. Thanks for sharing, what's going on in your part of the world

  11. I’m a newcomer to your channel and really enjoying learning from you. Thank you! Have you done one on siting and use of a greenhouse and cold frames? Thanks again!

  12. Loved this video Ben- we are in the middle of our Autumn but you wouldn't know it with the crazy weather we are having over here. My cauliflowers & cabbages are doing no good at all so I am just persevering & might be lucky. Cheers Denise- Australia

  13. I am sure you probably already know but if you put green tomatoes in a paper bag and place them in a drawer or somewhere else cool and dark, check every day and they will redden.

  14. I just built two raised garden beds using cut down branches/trees that I had from a tidy up, they are about 6ft long by about 2ft wide and I dropped some extra branches and weed in the bottom and topped it all off with compost. I'm looking forward to seeing what I can grow in them.

  15. I used a zucchini marrow a bit at a time. I grated some of it into a bowl, added different flours, salt, herbs and spices, a bit of baking soda to lighten it up, then mix with water to form patties.
    A third of the marrow went into vege soup.
    I grated some into my bean nacho mix and it thickened it
    Ps. We are heading into winter here in New Zealand (May)

  16. Check my Facebook posts I do everything you have shown plus much more and things that I have not posted. I raise wasps to eat the cabbage worms spiders in my Honeybee hives to kill waxworm moths that are trying to get in. Mainly because I have to use stings for my rymatoid arthritis and sciatica problems

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