March 29, 2025

VIDEO: How to Grow Wheat | Seed to Harvest

Subscribe to Epic Homesteading for the bread update coming soon: I grew my own wheat! This video takes you from seed to harvest, including threshing and winnowing the wheat so I have a relatively clean product to grind into my own flour.

00:00 – Intro
00:48 – Wheat Varieties
01:40 – Site Prep
03:41 – Sowing Wheat
06:10 – Germination
07:07 – 2 Months Of Growth
09:07 – When Is It Ready
10:54 – Harvesting Wheat
12:07 – Threshing Wheat
13:38 – Winnowing The Wheat
14:45 – Final Yield
15:04 – Outro


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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Grow Wheat | Seed to Harvest

  1. You say you started with 1 lb, and reaped 256 grams, which is a hair over 9 oz. Actually, your little bag didn’t look like it had a full pound of seeds in it, but we didn’t get to see inside the bag either. But if it did, and you did have a nice wheat patch, you should have ended up with at least 20 times what you started with in seed, because there are lots of wheat berries on each stalk. A little research reveals that an acre can yield 60 bushels of wheat, @ bushel containing 60 lbs. so, on average 12.1 square feet produce a pound of wheat.

    Anyway, it would be good if you could do this again, since you have learned about watering your crop, & try to grow more than the weight of the wheat seeds you plant. Since you have such a nice digital scale, this time you can make notes & be more exact. You can also measure how big your plot is, so you know if you are getting anywhere near what an average farmer can do.

    Thanks for the demo, looking forward to another try, maybe bigger crop!

  2. I did this with corn. I'm allergic to wheat, so finding good bread is something that is impossible. I did manage to make delicious cornbread though. I'm convinced I need to grow my own for it to be good. I bought cornmeal and did it.. I ended up feeding the bread to birds. It tastes terrible. Grow you own is the way to go. I bet homegrown wheat is so much better.

  3. Good video. Now I know I can grow wheat if I wanted too. Like a lot of people, I thought growing rice and wheat might be better left to those with professional equipment, but I know people have been growing these foods for centuries and people have grown everything imaginable… or edible long before modern equipment was invented.

  4. Several years ago a friend of mine have me several 5 gallon buckets full of wheat seed in the fall of the year so it went through a cold winter which should have killed the bugs. I have a part of my yard at the farm that I will till up next spring and plant. Probably an acre or two.

  5. Kevin, you're truly Inspiring ; Keep the videos coming…. I've followed u for sometime now 2 years probably , and I must compliment that You're thriving with your garden. Keep up the Great Job!!!

  6. When my dad grew acres of wheat in Michigan, it was planted in the fall and we snowmobiled on it in the winter and it turned golden and totally dry in summer. Your crop looks to green. We used to eat handfuls of wheat berries out of the bin on the combine. I had never heard of anyone spraying with roundup. That whole idea is just stupid. Poisoning the crop. We did not do that.

  7. Ever grow pineapples? I just harvested my first — from a container in partial sun! I let it ripen on the plant and it was incredibly sweet and delicious. Another will be ready in a month or two.

  8. pretty awesome, i always wanted to try growing some grains . Its a good educational way to show why we have so much Wheat growing in the united States. It takes up a lot of space.

  9. This reminds me of the time I grew some black gram (lentils). I spent several hours to harvest the lentil and despite the plants taking up a whole bed I had barely enough for a single meal. Ahh well it was still fun though!

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