March 26, 2025

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Preserving Green Tomatoes!!

  1. The music is way to loud sometimes I watch you on my phone before I go to sleep and use ear buds I have to yank them out of my ears but damage is done. But I love your page.

  2. Newsflash. She isn't a 50yr old grandmother. She is young andcan listen to and post whatever music she chooses. Less than 15 sec of a song you don't care for isn't going to kill you. Please don't come here rude to her. You don't like it? Move on.

  3. Love the short and the music more. I am young too. Not every homestead has to be in their 50's mother, of 10+. Keep being yourself. You're great

  4. I’ll have to play it again to listen to the music. It’s early morning, I’ve got a one year old granddaughter for a sleep over, wanting her to sleep as long as possible to I watched it with no sound, will play it again when she gets up! She loves her Auntie Becky! Becky’s mom, Susan

  5. Omg this looks delicious!! You sure got the assignment! Way to go inspiring your fellow Millennials to look at homestead as something obtainable to our generation. Sooo many YouTubers here focused on an older generation, thank you for representing us!

  6. Love this! And to all the haters because of the music, you know you can mute it right? Or just turn it off. No one is forcing you to listen to something you don’t care for.

  7. I have green tomatoes but your website Salsa Verde recipe calls for tomatillos. I thought tomatillos were different and had a papery leaf skin around them. I just have unripe tomatoes…

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