Broccoli is a cool weather crop that’s why it flowered before it had a chance to form a large head. The room that it was growing in is about 24°C (75°F) day and night. Would be better off growing it outdoors. but I’m happy with the results
Music from Epidemic sound:
A Little More Conversation – Ofelia Moore
Mars Hydro Grow Lights:
Link to Mars Hydro website:
Discount code: box
But where’s the broccoli?
That’s like 5 cents worth of broccoli
Классное видео что расслабиться
The flower heads are brocoli they are harvested early before they reach the stage in the video. Also red description to know why it flowered so quickly. Please pin so people know.
Could you do Aloe from seed?
My kids and I love your videos. We watch them over and over. Question: when does the part we eat grow in?
I love your videos!
Keep it up!
마지막에 꽃피는거 멋지넹
Pls do papaya
Hi there. What soil do you use to grow your plants?
I can't even grow chickpeas. How are you able to grow such complicated things? You should give a tutorial on how to grow different things.
Do you film all time-lapses one by one or at the same time using different cameras?
0:28 Achievement unlocked: lettuce
Did you know cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts and collard greens are literally the same plant just modified, that's why when they bolt the look almost identical and also can be crossbred
do osage orange!
Broccoli, cauliflower and cabbages are actually made by artificial selection from a wild verity of mustard here u can see the similarities in this plant with mustard plant
What Camera Do you use?
but where is the broccoli?
Can you do ghost pepper?
I love the music.
Hi! Im wondering what dirt or soil you use?
And yet some people still think tomatoes are vegetables
Where's the broccoli?
Did anyone know Boxlapse's all videos are better in 2x playback speed….
What type of sustrate are you using? Would love to have a green thumb like you!
One time show us all thhat where have you kept all the older plants
So that's what a broccoli looks like XD