March 13, 2025

VIDEO: When you don't feel like showing up (some farm updates) | VLOG

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23 thoughts on “VIDEO: When you don't feel like showing up (some farm updates) | VLOG

  1. Ask your new Chiropractor about an ice pack/ heat pack routine when having back pain. I just use an ice pack for about 20 min. several times a day and IBU's when it hurts just to take a breath. It does hurt less to sit in my office chair rather than in bed when doing this.

  2. A little fyi..lay flat on the floor.. Cross your arms over your chest..take a deep breath and let it all out..when you have no air left nod to Miyah..and allow him to push on your should hear and feel your spine to line back up as it should's the safest way to adjust your back.. I've been doing this for decades…

  3. You often talk about the romantic side of things, if you want to add to the romance of cow ownership I highly recommend some cow bells for your bovine friends… there is nothing better than laying in bed and hearing your cows out there grazing through the evening by the tinkling of those bells. and btw the swiss have a corner on awesome sounding bells. Just saying.

  4. Jessika, get yourself benfotiaminum 40mg+pyridoxiini hydrochloridum 90mg+cyanocobalaminum 0,25mg ( in EU marketed as Milgama N) and aescinum (perfect for swelling of nerv roots). In Czech republic you dont need prescription for any of those. Somethimes I am able to stay of the pain killers with this combo. ❤

  5. I suffer from back pain and Advil Liqui gels and moving around is my relief. I feel for you but appreciate your showing up regardless. Sending healing vibes and blessings for quick recovery you way.

  6. I have severe chronic back issues so I know exactly what you’re going through. Try Biofreeze, kinda like Icey Hot, and it comes in a roll on. Or, try Icey Hot patches. These will help a little until you can see the chiropractor.

  7. I saw this utube were this guy use cans that were different sizes he stuck on sticks . Then he heat the ends of the cans to burn holes in the plastic. I thought it was cool to recycle and not having to buy more stuff.

  8. I had a thought. Not sure if it would work for you but… You know how you want a window greenhouse, well I thought of a couple of things. One is sometimes window installation companies take the old windows back to the shop before disposal sometimes and you or someone on your behalf can request the old windows. Being back east I bet there are quite a few old houses are being renovated and those old windows would be so cool for a greenhouse. Also scrapyards sometimes get windows and don't want the broken glass but those would probably have to be payed for.
    The real kicker of this idea is you could put out a call for people in your area who would like to donate windows. The persons who donate could have their name on the windows and get a shout out or maybe swag or be on your show. There are numerous possibilities for inclusion into your channel. Many other channels have asked for licences plates and one ex cop who asks for old badges and patches. Some way people can send something to you to place prominently for them to see when they watch your show. You could even ask for little homemade flags for the gardens that have a certain vegetable or flower that people love that you can fly above the fences to discourage deer from jumping them. Cog hill has Himalayan prayer flags around his garden because the deer see them as a barrier that makes the fence 8 feet tall even though it is just a string and strips of fabric. I was just thinking of a unique thing that would help make your viewers be more of a part of the place without them visiting in person. One thing I throughly enjoy is the sound of wind chimes. That could be another thing that you can suggest, if you like them that is. With you having the channel and you series it may be something people could say they saw the thing they sent on the show and get more family and friends to watch to find their item and maybe get more subscribers.
    It just how my mind works and I have little else to do these days so I try to tell my suggestions. I am watching all you homesteaders do what I wanted to do 40 years ago and never had the courage. So now I see the life I would have had. Well. Actually. I am sending you blessings for all you do and for all you love.

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