Garlic is planted in the fall and overwinters into the spring, but what happens if it grows too fast?
VIDEO: What to do When Your Garlic Grows Too Fast In The Fall?
Garlic is planted in the fall and overwinters into the spring, but what happens if it grows too fast?
Last year my garlic grew in fall. This year, it continued to grow and had no problems. This year, I planted my garlic Oct 15th. I live in Massachusetts and most of the garlic has sprouted. I made sure I added more mulch.
8b I put mine in every Halloween.
I live in Newfoundland and had the same issue last year. Mine had 6-8” stocks before it got cold but it grew fine in the spring. I did get die back a bit and teals wasn’t great but it still came out fairly well.
How come you always leave something out… leaves are a great source of mulch in a fall, making it the perfect winter blanket for the garlic.
Grandpa Stevens says plant garlic on Halloween.
I like that jacket!
This my first time planting garlic.I have lots of compost but you also mentioned an all purpose fertilizer.What would be a good all purpose fertilizer that I could buy at a nursery Nova Scotia Canada?Could I also add bone or blood meal?I love your videos Luke and have learned so much from you.Thank you so much.And please provide an answer if you have the time.I know you're very busy.
From Sydney Australia, here. I planted garlic cloves after the Autumn Equinox, so in late March. I had several cloves turning into witches broom (I found this out after I harvested), so I harvested them in late September which is way earlier than I would've expected. I think there were several weather fluctuations during our winter here. I also have a good few garlic bulbs still planted and these are bigget and taller than the ones I harvested. The bottom leaves are starting to die off, so hoping to harvest them in Dec, and give the tomatos some more room.
My garlic is 6" – 8" already in the east. Love it. BLESSINGS
HELP! – I planted in pots & covered it with straw. Straw is surely growing & I can't tell difference between straw & softneck garlic. It's my 1st time w/ garlic. What should I do?
My garlic came up through woodchip mulch this Spring but I put only a couple inches on
I haven't even got mine in the ground. Ugh
I have three types of garlic I planted mid Oct. and the only one that is a few inches above the ground is the Spanish Roja but I just shred leaves and put a nice layer around the garlic.
I love those two, they're so adorable!
Plant garlic 2-4 weeks before the ground freezes solid. Note: freezes solid, not just your first expected frost date.
I like to throw whole plants into my compost pile and see what happens. My favorite so far was last years brussel sprouts flowering under the compost.
Would putting a hoop house or a cold frame on top help protect them from dying back? Mine shot up like crazy and quite tall. My elephant garlic is full blown growing. I live in Central Texas and they are estimating possible snow in November/December.
I set out around the middle of October. I wish I'd waited two weeks. Garlic has popped up about 2". Oh, well. Learn for next year! However, I've set out about the same time each year and have some sprouting each year and I've still had pretty nice garlic.
Wow! Thank you! I had that question today, and you have answered it.
Thank you for the information. Good timing.
We had our garlic sprout maybe six inches last year, and make scapes this year. We just trimmed out the scapes before they got too big, and we had a fabulous harvest!
So.. I planted my garlic too soon! I thought mid October would be good for my area, but it seems that the best time is more like mid November! My garlic is 8-10 inches tall and we prob wont get a frost for 3 weeks!
I guess my first garlic harvest isn't going to be great next year.
Can I plant garlic now, in Michigan ? Or did I miss the window to do it ?
I love watching you ( you very knowledgeable) but I have a hard time concentrating & listening for too long ( that is why I didn’t enjoy college & quit for arguing too much & questioning ) @MIgardener can u make short please ? All the best. Love & Peace.
So I put a nice layer of mulch at time of planting. I didn't last year. Will it do just fine sprouting?
2:06 I wish my kid listened to "go back to bed…"