March 25, 2025

VIDEO: Early November | A Different Kind of Garden Tour

Within the next week, the garden will be completely transformed as I double down on getting it ready for winter and then spring. To mark the end of the incredible 2021 growing season before this big transition, I decided to create a little video to highlight some of the things that are currently in the garden, and bring you closer to what is growing. I really hope you enjoy it and I look forward to seeing you again next week!

Song: Godspeed Nebulae, Rand Aldo (Epidemic Sound)

-✒️Online Courses-
Planting Plan Short Course:
More Food Less Effort Course:
Kitchen Garden Fermentation:



Awesome clothing designed for vegetable gardeners:

-🍴Delicious Garden Recipes
Farmer & Chef

#fallgarden #permaculture #kitchengarden

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Early November | A Different Kind of Garden Tour

  1. I love all of your videos, but this one is my favorite. I just visited my grandma today who is on her death bed, and it’s the last time I’ll see her alive on this Earth. This video fit perfectly with how I’m feeling, so thank you Huw 🙂

  2. I live in QLD now, but I was talking to my mum and dad this morning. And they said they've already had a few frosts this past week. Which seems earlier than normal for the Dorset coast. How's it effecting you in Wales?

  3. What a relaxing video Hugh and the music fitted the filming brilliant you are not only a good teacher for growers but you have a knack for putting together good video's well done my friend stay safe stay well Manchester UK.

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