February 23, 2025

17 thoughts on “VIDEO: The 6 benefits of having chickens!

  1. I had chickens for years in fact when I lived in California I had my game breeders license and I had several different types of quail partridges pheasants several kinds of ducks chickens I really miss my birds but I think my dogs would harass them to death

  2. I just moved my coop to its winter spot closer to the house. This gave a clean spot and I stuffed their home with pine straw and pine shavings. Now they have new places to dig & scratch on the days I can't let them out. 3 chicken that live in my backyard in town.

  3. We received 17 chicks on Wednesday. We lost 2 on Saturday and 1 on Sunday. We change bedding twice a day, we watch temperature, we had them vaccinated, feed them medicated water, change water and feed twice a day. I'm heart broken. Any ideas? I don't want to lose more.

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