March 2, 2025

VIDEO: Full Homestead Pantry Tour | Did I Store Enough for One Year Without the Grocery Store?

#AcreHomestead #HomesteadPantry #BulkFood #PrepperPantry

Instagram @Acre Homestead

Playlist with all home preservation videos –

30 Day Free Audible Membership with 2 Free Books –
A Year Without The Grocery Store Book –

Where I bought the Wine Cap Mushrooms –
— For 10% off use code: ACREHOMESTEAD

Bulk Food Storage Containers:
Food Grade 5 Gallon Buckets –
Gamma Lids –
1 Gallon Glass Jars –
1/2 Gallon Glass Jars –

Freeze Dryer –

Stainless Steel Rolling Table –

Canning Supplies I Used:
Ball Canning Cookbook (My Favorite!!) —
Pressure Canner —
Canning Equipment Essential Supplies Kit —

Where I buy my bulk food storage from –

My Recipe Blog is

Becky Acre Homestead
PO Box 873912 Vancouver WA 98687

Links are affiliate links, but I will only recommend items I LOVE and use daily with no extra cost to you, and it helps support the channel! Thank you for your support!

#AzureStandardHaul #LongTermFoodStorage #StockPilingFood #BulkFoodHaul
#BulkFoodPantry #BulkFoodStorage

23 thoughts on “VIDEO: Full Homestead Pantry Tour | Did I Store Enough for One Year Without the Grocery Store?

  1. Take 2 metal bowls with lips the same size, then put your individual garlic in one bowl flip 2 bowl over sit it on top of 1st bowl then shake the 2 bowls together the skins will come off the garlic cloves. Do it this way and you can get alot more peeled at one time . Don't put to much in the bowl try one handful at a time

  2. Dude, pantry goals. I can't wait to own a pressure canner soon! We're renting right now, so we can't have a permanent garden, but we've been mastering container gardening. Growing your own food is so rewarding!!!

  3. When making the pickled cabbage slaw first use salt on the raw cabbage leaves to leak out its water, rinse and sqeeze out. This will make it where the cabbage stays a little crisper if not overly processed. I learned to do this with leafy veggies to make kimchi which is closer too a spicy sauerkraut and does not need to be pressure canned. But the pickled cabbage if not making sauerkraut you will have to pressure can.

  4. I store my seeds in a seed box in old envelopes (which provides lots of room for writing information about the seeds and how they perform etc). They are stored upright (with dividers for the season) in alphabetical order, so I can flick through them when it's time to sow and I keep detailed notes in a tabulated book at the front for each of the garden beds to know what has been happening each grow season and keep track of climatic conditions as well.

  5. Thanks for showing your rhubarb bbq sauce Becky, I've already earmarked my rhubarb that I'm harvesting tomorrow morning, but I might just have to give this a try with my next batch, provided I can get some more jars ☺

  6. Hi! I was wondering if I could make cowboy candy with chilli peppers. I know you have a video on making it (and I've watched it several times now) but I don't know if you go back and check comments on older videos. Thanks!

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