I am delighted to announce the second season of inspiring gardens here on this channel. Early in 2021 I released 5 short films of 5 fantastic gardens and the people behind them as a way to get us inspired for the upcoming growing season. Over January and February, I will be building upon this by releasing 8 short films featuring and celebrating some of the most incredible kitchen gardens and vegetable gardens. Watch the playlist here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPGyuloevt5ylrTHyRjlzHy_FBzKcCUxY
Subscribe to Regenerative Films where there will be additional videos from some of these projects: https://www.youtube.com/regenerativefilms
With thanks to Sam Cooper and Charlie Parry for their help and contribution to this series which is now titled ‘The Nature of Gardening’.
How wonderful
Yes, great idea, I'll be waiting for a video.
Cant wait
Wow! Absolutely love this! Very inspirational! Amazing editing and fantastic choice of music! This has a Netflix quality to it! Huw, you're not just a gardener anymore, you're taking gardening videos to a whole new level! Well done!!!
I need help making mine look better. I have half acre garden but some of it looks off.
Looks brilliant. Just walked around my new houses garden in the dusk planning on what to start doing in the spring :). Can’t wait for this series.
Exciting! Lovely to a summer veg garden inn the depths of winter.
Sadly many of my healthy looking seedlings failed when planted out this year some still struggling a few doing ok. A horrid season as a newish grower to contend with. The weather was against many of us home growers in spring this year here in Tasmania. Summers now here better late than never, when the tomatoes should be tall and in flower they the survivors are short no flowers, one cucumber is doing great in flower and has a cucumber the others still only wee, the big one I planted out earlier maybe I should have risked all. Beans only showing early growth but potatoes looking great on top. I live in hope the hot days ahead will jolt things to grow fast and next spring will be kinder.
The intro is stunning Hugh and inspires me to not lose hope
Merry Christmas everyone.
Aim nare in tares wiff joy!
Cannyah wait!
I'm so happy to have found your Videos thank you huw … you habe given me so much peace with your garden Philosophy. I only have a very small alotment garten 30 min walk from my home, but still I carry all my food scraps to it since I know compost ist soll health and it works. Im looking forward to this series of your's. love from germany =)
So looking forward to these videos Huw, keeps the enthusiasm up through the winter months.
Ooh, can’t wait!
Chupa marla
Amazing beautiful places!,,
Oh wow! You guys are doing an amazing job. Will be watching every second. Thanks for all you teach.
I know when to plant, where to plant, and how to do it
3 months of research brought me here. BUT, how many individual plants of a given vegetable for a certain amount/harvest – PLEASE can I get some resources on this?
The best passion, living with the Green. This is my future goal. thanks a lot.
I'm looking forward to this, looks great!
Huw, what I appreciate most about you is that you maintain a 'learning posture' while be confident enough to teach us along the way. That is a high mark of maturity and understanding that even in a pursuit of 'self sufficiency' there is still a need to learn. A great reminder for all of us to retain a learning posture no matter our age or level of accomplishment whether in gardening or any area of life. You are a mentor to all of us, Huw. Excited to watch the new season of The Nature of Gardening.