May 20, 2024

VIDEO: Hello New Year, Hello BIG Plan! (And the first planting of the year) | VLOG

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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Hello New Year, Hello BIG Plan! (And the first planting of the year) | VLOG

  1. You are exactly right teaching your boys respect for knives. We are losing this in the males coming up today. I work with teenage boys in a treatment facility and because no one taught them these things and they were raised on video games, they would mis-use a knife in a hot minute from sheer carelessness. Thank you for keeping the spirit alive!

  2. Hi Jess! I want to say I love your channel and that I've watched you for a long time. I have even shown my friends and family your channel because it is always inspiring me to try new things in my garden.
    I do want to say that while I absolutely believe that people should be able to self-identify however they want, as a young disabled woman myself, I feel very strongly that disability is not a negative word. It is just accurate. If your body has limitations that affect your daily life then it is okay to say you are disabled and not be sad about that fact. I think many able-bodied people believe it is self-defeating or sad to say, but many people in the disabled community have come to find it empowering. Just because I am disabled doesn't mean that I don't have a wonderful and full life. Just my thoughts on it! I hope this doesn't come off as a lecture, that is not my intention at all. I find you all lovely, I just wanted to put my thoughts out there since you do have a young audience on here as well and I am sure more than a few young disabled subscribers like me!
    I hope you have a wonderful day.

  3. You need to go with your gut dear…actually your gut feeling is the Holy Spirit speaking to you….protect your husbands manlyhood….you do a wonderful job…My husband had brain surgery and MRSA in his brain due to lifting something too heavy and sprung a leak in his spinal cord….you need to not let them be HeMan's….it has cost us dearly….I know you follow the Holy Spirit speaking to your heart….I just love your chanel…I support ALL of your decisions….love you all much Patti

  4. Those of us that are older are thrilled that homestead or city children are allowed to have knives and guns when appropriate with personalized instructions. This is the way life was and should be (in my wise older opinion) 😉

  5. Great video guys I really am enjoying watching the progress, hey of course we all use help with jobs sometimes- I know I do- if a professional can do it in 1 day & not 1 week why not. Cheers Denise – Australia

  6. Allow yourself some grace. There is a lot to do, but there are more important things. Prioritize, but remember, no one is perfect. Enjoy every moment! Life can be so short. I love you guys. ❤️

  7. Go Dawgs Benjamin! You, young man are centered and committed to the G. You will see through your enthusiasm and commitment that your family will soon see the light. Honestly, I am happy Ben is committed to the G, I am a long time viewer who was in the bicentennial class at UGA in 1985. My previous offer and post remain in effect. I welcome his future attendance and would be happy to show Ben the letterman’s room and other Georgia highlights come the day. Apologies for my repeated enthusiasm but I love my school and my life is what it is from my time at UGA.

  8. Oh yes Ben what memories we built a camp and fort and I set the yard on fire with gas. My poor grandmother scared her to death burned my eye laces off. You’re doing great!!!!

  9. I know the feeling about having limitations. I have limitations during the heat of summer with my epilepsy. And there's no reason to feel bad about the limitations.

  10. I have been watching your channel for about a year now. the one thing I have enjoyed is your down to earth way of doing everything. listening to what you are saying about the kids and safety and responsibility with knives and such, I truly believe that you have nothing to fear. the way you are teaching your kids about the reality of farm life, you have taught them to be responsible and safe with all tools. i loved what you said about imagination. that is a big key factor in farm life. being able to improvise and use what you have, whether it is for the garden or in a barn or in the woods if you have to survive, you both have taught them all that. I applaud you in being able to do that in todays age and I know in a bad situation your family will survive.

  11. being disabled in one way just makes you use others parts of yourself to a bigger advantage. just because you cant do one thing does not mean you cant do something else. wisdom and knowledge are just as important and physical work. keep up the good work and never worry things will work out and everything happens for a reason.

  12. Not random at all. Mom of 6 boys here. I too, frequently come across all sorts of creative weaponry. I agree. I'd much rather them learn to handle a knife safely than fear touching them. You all are fantastic parents.

  13. Ive always been supportive of my children having things like pocket knives and my oldest sons first gun was a red ryder bb gun and as each of my children were old enough they each took the hunters safety course and now he and his wife are both military. But with teaching each of my children responsibility they've also been taught respect my boys are door openers and pull out chairs and my daughter expects a man to treat her with respect and im proud of that so the way you are raising your children I agree with 100% they seem like good kids.

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