March 22, 2025

VIDEO: January 6th 😉 NOW What?

It’s January 6th. 😉 What are YOU doing today to take care of YOU?
THAT’S the focus for the New Year! Stay busy!
See ya on the farm & thanks for watching!
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PO Box 24501
Farragut, TN 37933


#appalachiashomestead #staybusy #january6th

21 thoughts on “VIDEO: January 6th 😉 NOW What?

  1. Hi sweet heart I found some round wood circles that has round to it on them I have them every where that I wont my husband to fix or build for me you no the saying well ill get round to it sooner or later love you girl God bless you all

  2. Love the encouragement to stay busy. Did some canning today– focused on rotating my freezers and pantry. FYI – Don't let anyone talk you into coming to Alaska in the winter. I was born here, and I'd NEVER travel the highway in winter. Now summer– THIS IS THE PLACE TO BE! God bless you, and stay warm.

  3. I remember the blizzards of 1977 and 1978. Ice formed on the inside walls of our home 3 inches thick, that is how bad it was! I've never seen anything like it since. It didn't melt till it warmed up, the ice in the wall. I would run my hand down it, it was so weird. You don't forget winters like that and are grateful you lived thru them. Our son was just born and a few months old. Our electricity went off and we didn't have a woodburning stove. Fortunately after 5 or 6 hours it came back on. We were snowed in for a week, no snowplow came down our country dirt and we ended up digging our road out ourselves. The roads were like tunnels, the sides were so tall. I thought it would take forever to melt but it warmed up that February and all that snowed melted in a month. Needless to say the next year when we built our house we put a woodburner in it. NEVER FORGET IT

  4. I cleaned out all my freezers yesterday, reorganized them, rotated the food, and made an inventory list. Today, I will go through my canning pantry, check dates, wipe down, and make my inventory list for them. Of course, clean and do laundry. Patera, you are right, time to be and keep busy. ❤❤ We have weather coming in in a few days, a great time to sit down with my gardening journal and plan for this summer.

  5. Jan 20 2021 I turned the news, Facebook and Twitter OFF! This was one of the best decisions I’ve made for my mental health…I will never go back to that chaos again.

  6. Patara, Thank -You for your great advice. You are a beautiful person caring for your animals and others. What you said is so profound I wish everyone could hear it. It is important to know our ancestry. The native Americans have a saying," That when we walk,all our ancestors are walking behind us." Following us,urging us on,to do the best we can and to be the best we can be. You are right, no difference in the two headed snake. When that realization hits,it's very freeing,and you see it for what it is. You give great advice on everything. If I may share a few that have helped. Marc Eisenson on how to be frugal and save. And Mike Morales weather site. Important. Shows what you need to know. You take excellent care of your animals. God bless you for all you do and are. And God bless all your subs. Keep the faith,it's what our ancestors did.

  7. You're welcome to come to Alaska, but you wouldn't like the minus temps we have had since October. Know that others Outside have trouble with temps in the lower 20's and 30's, so everybody is tough enough for where they're at! 🙂 Love watching your channel. Thanks for sharing everyday events on your farm.

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