March 23, 2025

VIDEO: Turn Kitchen Scraps into Compost in Just 90 minutes | Nagual Review

In this video, I am going to give you a review of a machine that claims to turn your kitchen scraps into compost in just 90 minutes! This machine is called Nagual Kitchen Composter and I show how it processes food waste into a product that can even be used as chicken feed.

Find more information on their Indiegogo page:

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Harvest Right freeze dryer website:
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Rolling Sifter: use Compostyng (yes with a “y”) during checkout for a 10% discount. Cheryl (a registered nurse by trade invented and hand makes these sifters).

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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark 🙂 #scraps #composting #gardening

*Disclaimer: Some links to products in this description and comments sections are affiliated, meaning, I receive a small commission if you follow these links and then purchase an item. I will always declare in a video if the video is sponsored and so far since starting my channel in 2011, I am yet to do a sponsored video.

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Turn Kitchen Scraps into Compost in Just 90 minutes | Nagual Review

  1. This sounds awesome!! I would have loved this when I lived in my little studio apartment but I also like the idea of re using it as chicken feed. I hated dealing with slimy stinky compost. I've been wondering about these since I saw their ad. I'm glad you did a review 🙂

  2. I love the idea I think it's perfect as a supplement to add to a garden! I'm sure worms and chickens love it and would definitely reduce flies in gardens or homes. I'd be in if you could turn it into a compost tea as well?!

  3. Thank you for your review! I have one on order and I was having second thoughts. Mainly because we have land and several outdoor compost piles already. I wanted something to handle the kitchen waste but was wondering if this was overkill. I like your idea about giving it to the chickens. And now I’m looking forward to its arrival!

  4. If one doesn't have chickens or other livestock to eat the scraps it seems useful. But it still needs to be composted so it's just saving time and some volume. Maybe for people in apartments it's good. Otherwise, it uses electricity and that doesn't seem like it's good for he environment.

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