June 28, 2024

VIDEO: An Off-Farm Treasure Hunt (And yes, my eye is hurt) | VLOG

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20 thoughts on “VIDEO: An Off-Farm Treasure Hunt (And yes, my eye is hurt) | VLOG

  1. I legit cannot see your eye wound but I did go to school with a guy who suddenly showed up with a similar condition one day. His story was that he sneezed too hard. Which was true, bc I was there. It was terrifying.

  2. We still have a few feet of snow but our plan is to add chickens to our slowly growing homestead/farm this spring. We’d love to see your chickshaw build and I’m curious what kind of electric netting you have and what size

  3. Can you please flip the calf's halter? The lead strap should be on the calf's left. May sound insignificant, but I've worked with cows most of my life and it's kind been driving me nuts seeing the halter on backwards, lol.

  4. Ohhhhh I just want to hug and squeeze those baby cows. Lovin them up so much.
    Ohhhhhh achingly ohhhhhh! What pretty eggs. I miss my green and blue Eggers so bad. They really aren't as hardy as brown and white layers.
    I'm just saying, don't give up if it dose not go well at first. I AM SO UPHOLDING ALL YOUR DOING…. and I on a much much much smaller level doing as you do without certain lively helps.
    One question….. do your dogs kill all they can as far as little varmits? Our best girl, all we had to say was "let's go get the rats". Soon after came Crybaby our cat to do clean up…. of babies and half deaders.
    I had to find happiness in the activity because I am the crazy woman who's husband said he found 5 mice in a 5 gal bucket. So I went to see…. the two mums were dead and there were 3 babies. Oh pooh, yes I did. I brought them in to make sure they would survive. We'll the wee things survived mul t implied have killed I'm pretty certain and bred again. They are used to "being fed" and I hope for the best. We have decided where and how to let t h em go and I WILL feed till I see no evidence of them. What crazy nuckingfutz??? Yup, I be Dunn, Done, over with wild mice…. but I still can't poison them. Gotta give a fare/fair/ yup FAR,~ lol, chance. Do I regret? Of course I do. Dose my husband…???? Do I really have to address that. You dang right he has a better idea for any next time and I am not invited unless they have no chance at all. Then I will pinch hit and hope for best but will not take in even one~ 1~ ONE MOUSE…. and don't care IF his name is MICKEY MOUSE. Period!!!
    I love you and miss you so much.

  5. Hey just try to remember that we don't care how you look we're happy with the way you look the matter what even when you're sick so try to remember that everybody is watching but we don't care if you got something going on with your eye we're just happy you're not hurt. Remember the most important parts of us is if you guys are healthy and please say thank you to your kids for being in the video today for this one this was really nice tell him all that we said Hi and then we're praying for them and we wish them well and God bless you dress your I will heal and so will your body I know God's got you take care of yourselves

  6. I love that you go on Treasure Hunts with your Boys! I loved how much they love looking for treasures!! My youngest Grandson loves to go with me. My son just bought a house in a small New England town…and they have at least 4 Antique Shops …Guess where this Mama is going to be taking her Grandson?

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