March 27, 2025

11 thoughts on “VIDEO: Winter Gardening Blues? #Shorts

  1. Still a foot of snow here in southern Ontario and the gardening itch is hitting big time and you're right Jeff , there's lots to do. Prep work , getting seed trays ready , mixing seed bedding etc………Come on SPRING !!!

  2. Still lots of snow. But it is warming up and snow is melting a bit every day. Lettuce, tomatillos have sprouted. The lettuce will grow under lights for fresh greens. Have a great week Jeff

  3. Always good to see there's a new quickie from ?Ripe Tomato Farms! Here in the south the beans are sprouting, & a few of my lettuce seeds are coming up! I credit you with giving me the confidence to branch out from tomatoes, peppers, & herbs. Thanks Jeff!

  4. I needed that speech bro. You have helped me a metric ton with just the one simple tip. “Water from below”. I am a tomato and pepper guy so any other tips you have or videos of your to recommend, I am all ears. -30 strong! Northern AB.

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