March 17, 2025

VIDEO: Snapdragon Seedlings The EASY Way

Have YOU ever seeded snapdragon seeds? If you have you know that they are so tiny that they are very difficult to work with. With my intellect and desire to find the easiest way to do things, I have come up with my genius technique, that saves me a measurable amount of time! Basically, I broadcast spread the seeds in a tray, then prick the seedlings out when they are tiny. For me personally, its quicker to do it this way, because pricking them out is easier than the process of manipulating and precisely depositing the teeny tiny snapdragon seeds. So learn from me! Or don’t, but still watch the video. Don’t forget to press the like button, I wouldn’t ask if it didn’t actually help us. And, If you really want to help us, click on one of our other videos at the end of the video, that’s the single biggest positive feedback thing that a viewer can do.

PS no seedlings were hurt in the filming of this video

Ian and Serina of YOU CANT EAT THE GRASS feel that every small change can make a big difference to the world we live in. Every garden planted leads to a better future. We hope to inspire and motivate others to make positive changes in their lives by sharing our journey towards greater sustainability as we build our family farm. It’s hard work to build a life worth living, and completely worth it!

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8 thoughts on “VIDEO: Snapdragon Seedlings The EASY Way

  1. One method i have tried in the past is using a pencil and sowing into cells. Wet the end of the pencil so it is a little tacky then dip into seeds and poke into surface of soil. I found that you may have a few seeds stick and grow in the center of each cell, then just thin out as they grow. I do this with most small dust like seeds.

  2. I use this technique as well! For very small seeds and to sprinkle them a bit more evenly, I usually mix them with a bit of sand. It usually results in a better spread.

  3. This is exactly how I sow and up pot my Snapdragons!
    I didn't see anyone do it, I learned from trial and error!
    I use several smaller containers and I got over 100 in a much smaller container and MORE TO GO! Lowe's had snapdragons for $1.87 a plant!!

  4. great video. I am planning next week to sow my very first snapdragon seeds (zone 5b so May 15th last frost) and I am trying to learn all the techniques for these just as a home hobbyist.

  5. One word of advice if you are pricking out seedling from a seed mix with mixed colors/varieties, etc: Don't throw out the smaller or weak ones, as these are often the ones with brighter colored flowers. If you don't need all of them, take a selection of different shapes and sizes.

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