March 4, 2025

VIDEO: Growing BIG In Small Spaces!

#AcreHomestead #AcreHomesteadChallenge #SeedStarting #PatioToPlate
Online Seed Companies I Order From:
Hoss Tools –
MI Gardener – (Use Code ACRE for 10% OFF)
Seeds for Generations –

Acre Homestead Container Garden Seed Collection –

Seed Starting Supplies –
Seed Organizer –
Seedling Trays Extra Strength –
ProMix Seed Starting Mix –
Vermiculite –
Amazon Grow Lights (my older ones) –
High-Quality Seed Cells and Tray –
Hoss Grow Lights (my new ones) –
Heat Matt –

Instagram @Acre Homestead

Green Stalk (Use Code ACRE for $10 an Order of $75+) –

Roo Apron –

Wine Cap Mushrooms –
— For 10% off use code: ACREHOMESTEAD

Azure Standard –

Butcher Box – If you shop through my Butcher Box link you will get 2 lbs of FREE 100% grass-fed, grass-finished ground beef in every order for the life of your membership, plus $10 off the first box!

Redmond Real Salt | Use the code ACRE for 15% off

30 Day Free Audible Membership with 2 Free Books –
A Year Without The Grocery Store Book –

Harvest Right Freeze Dryer –

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Growing BIG In Small Spaces!

  1. Totally off-topic, but something that might be relevant to your interests: ducks love to eat slugs, and are not as destructive to a garden as chickens are. Might want to add a duck or two to your coop for pest control.

  2. Last summer I had cucamelons growing and they totally took over my vegetable garden. I am in South east Queensland Australia so I am not sure if it was our climate that added to their overgrown state. They actually to a while to kill out. Just thought I would let everyone know to keep them under control as they have the potential to become a weed. I certainly won’t be growing them again.

  3. Hi Becky. I hope you have your own well and not city water. Fluoridated water is not good to water with. If you have city water, let that sit for at least 12 , preferrably 24 hours and the fluorine will have evaporated. Same principle as people who are into aquariums use to not kill their fish.

  4. do your supermarket sell fresh herbs in pots or only in cut bunches? If you have difficulty growing cilantro from seed, you can buy one of those pots, seperate it in smaller clumps and pot them on in their own pots/containers. This because they grow dozens of seeds in those supermarket pots because it's directed at immediate, one time use. If you were to leave them in their original pot they'd grow out of space in no time. But if you divide the plants and plant them up you can have quite a few thriving cilantro plants.

  5. Did container gardening last year, living in an apartment. I think what needs to be mentioned as well is that mostly people with limited space probably also have limited space for seedlings. I get around by putting the seedlings on a cupboard and then on a window, but I have to say it does get annoying when you have flies, soil or the equipment in general in your every day living space and have to keep everything clean/out of the way can be its own challenge. It is definitely easer if that can be done in a garden, where spillage doesnt bother you. Also, often times light conditions are very limited (eg I only have east side windows, but lived before in apartments with a window that had 4h direct sun max in the summer time-very frustrating). For me personally, not an option anymore to plant in pots and to expect enough vegetables coming out of it to make a difference in my grocery shopping, because I just dont have an extra room to put everythibg in. nevertheless, looking forward to see how it works out for you and curious to see if I can pick up something you do differently than I did 🙂

  6. As long as you garden with your heart and you learn from your mishaps… you can never go wrong… just try again!! I live on a small city lot and I have a big dog that likes to "help" me garden so I have to grow most of my stuff in pots/raised beds. I'm not planting everything you are but I'm going to try quite a few!! I'm wanting to grow and preserve my own herbs this year also. Can't wait to follow along!! 🙂

  7. Herbs are easy to grow cause they are weeds!! And I grow my herbs in a hydroponic set up that my husband made. They love it and I get great yield. Basil, mint, and most do great. The rosemary is a desert plant and loves soil drying out.

  8. If only you lived near my garden center. We usually toss a lot of the seed starting plastic materials you use. We are not a "growing from seed" kind of company, we sell starters and all kinds of large plants. I would suggest people to visit garden centers near by. Do not demand, just ask nicely if they have any trays or annual containers they would be willing to part with. Depending on the location, you may get them for free or for very cheap.

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