March 21, 2025

VIDEO: Once-A-Month Grocery Haul to Fill the Pantry and for Freezer Meals

#AcreHomestead #OnceAMonthShopping #CostcoHaul #GroceryHaul
Butcher Box – If you shop through my Butcher Box link you will get 2 lbs of FREE 100% grass-fed, grass-finished ground beef in every order for the life of your membership, plus $10 off the first box!

How to make kombucha –

Azure Grass Fed Butter –

Azure Standard –

Redmond Real Salt | Use the code ACRE for 15% off

30 Day Free Audible Membership with 2 Free Books –
A Year Without The Grocery Store Book –

Online Seed Companies I Order From:
Hoss Tools –
MI Gardener – (Use Code ACRE for 10% OFF)
Seeds for Generations –

Azure Standard –

Green Stalk (Use Code ACRE for $10 an Order of $75+) –

Harvest Right Freeze Dryer –

Favorite Cooking Equipment Here!
Microplane –
Rubber Spatulas –
OXO Cookie Scoops –
OXO Whisk –
OXO Good Grip Cutting Board –
Zwilling J.A. Henckel 5 inch Chef’s Knife –
Zwilling J.A. Henckel Chef’s Set Knife –
Kitchen Shears –
Boos Oils –
Boos Cutting Board –
Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer –
All-Clad 6 Piece Stainless Steel Cooking Tool Set –
All-Clad 3.5 quart Pot –
Le Creuset Enameled 7.5qt. Dutch Oven –

American Test Kitchen Cooking School Cookbook—
Nourishing Traditions –
Ball Canning Cookbook –

Canning Supplies I Used:
Ball Canning Cookbook (My Favorite!!) —
Oster 22 Quart Roaster Pan —
Stainless Steel Strainers —
Presto Pressure Canner —
Canning Equipment Essential Supplies Kit —
Pink Himalayan Salt —

Becky Acre Homestead
PO Box 873912 Vancouver WA 98687

Links are affiliate links, but I will only recommend items I LOVE and use daily with no extra cost to you, and it helps support the channel! Thank you for your support!

24 thoughts on “VIDEO: Once-A-Month Grocery Haul to Fill the Pantry and for Freezer Meals

  1. Love all your videos and look forward to some freezer meal videos. I'd love to see more lower carb meals, we're old and just can't do high carb meals anymore.
    Thanks for all your videos, you're such an energetic and inspiring channel

  2. Becky, I want to try your butter, but you have to try Président® butter, it's French and imported, its more for special occasions but it sounds like you're explaining yours to be. Love your videos. You motivate me to be more meal conscious. Thanks for all you do.

  3. You are such an inspiration!! My mother bought in bulk and we canned, juiced, frozen meals, everything you're doing and it was wonderful! If we could get our grocery list as organized as yours is, I may enjoy shopping again. We do monthly shopping, with weekly milk and bread runs. I'm so excited to see what you've got next!

  4. I like the convenience of the Primal Kitchen mayo, but I do not like the flavor, I think it's the rosemary that they add to it, it's just not my favorite….

  5. becky you have been such an inspiration to me!! ive changed my whole way of thinking about shopping and cooking for my family. i make extra large batches for lots of leftovers and freezer meals and have started making multiple freezer meals at a time to use throughout the week/month. its made it so much easier to use the bulk food i already have, and my grocery bill has gotten way less! i did one day of cooking last week, put about 6 meals in the freezer and i have not had to do any actual cooking for like 5 days now. its unbelievable, its blowing my mind how much less stress i have thanks to this change!! thank you for making this so accessible and relatable, your channel is awesome <3

  6. I’ve only tried this with cilantro and parsley but if you put it in a jar with a cm or two of water and then put the bag over the top they should last for a month
    Just make sure to check the water every few days.

  7. Becky you should check out Living Traditions Homestead. Sarah on that channel had a video it’s a bit older in their playlist where she makes and cans cranberry concentrate. You could can small amounts and make it when you want to and in the amounts you need!

  8. Woo Girl, you were talking so fast, my southern ears could hardly keep up. I love your grocery haul videos as well as everything else . I look forward to the upcoming freezer meals.

  9. Hi Becky!! I have to tell you I love your videos, you have great energy! I saw that you were interested in getting more familiar with making soap. I am a soapmaker by trade and I'd be more than happy to help!

  10. I’ve stored lots of fresh (thyme, rosemary) herbs in a mason jar (with lid). They lasted about 2 months! I didn’t think you could freeze oven-ready lasagne noodles?

  11. One tip I've learned to keep herbs fresh longer than a week is to cut the a tiny bit off the stems, put them in a glass of water and then cover them with a plastic bag (secure it with a elastic band) and bam it creates a little green house of sorts for them!

  12. I love your videos and don't give a hoot for what you spent. It is so kind of you to make some extra meals for your S.I.L. That is great. Stuffed pork chops sounds delicious!
    Do you have a recipe for avocado mayonnaise?
    I have noticed that our zucchini over the last 6 years was hit or miss.
    I have had good luck placing fresh herbs in a jar of fresh cold water in the fridge to help it stay fresh longer.
    Drinks that are carbonated, are a direct contributer to osteoporosis. My husband drank a can of sprite a day and now has terrible osteoporosis in his hands.

  13. Becky – you can have ‘fresh’ basal all year. I blanch basal, and then freeze it in whole leaves. When you take it out of the freezer let it sit for about 3 minutes and you will have fresh basal.

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