I don't think of apples as heirloom or hybrid because that term doesn't portray much useful information. You can't grow heirloom apple trees from the seeds of an heirloom apple. Virtually all good apples come from clones. I would be interested to hear other views. Hope you have fun!
Mexico? Too cool!!! Ooh, speaking of Mexico, way back in an older video at the cottage, Mrs MIGardener mentioned a Mexican Banana Pepper recipe. Did yāall ever make a video on it? I couldnāt find it on YT or website.
Thank you for sharing. Its Great to know that "somewhere" in the world has real apples, instead of pesticide full GMO apples and most all fruit and vegetables. They've been trying to destroy humans for hundred years. armr first slowly with their pesticides so pe6can get diseases they've created just so they can push drugs to prolong suffering and the ultimate depopulation according to their Gates and Falsie. Now they're speeding it all up with their scamdemic.
I live just below the Manzano Mountains in NEW Mexico, so named because early Spanish settlers planted apple trees there next to natural springs and fresh water. Some of our apples looked much like yours.
Allergic to apples!? You poor soul!
I don't think of apples as heirloom or hybrid because that term doesn't portray much useful information. You can't grow heirloom apple trees from the seeds of an heirloom apple. Virtually all good apples come from clones. I would be interested to hear other views. Hope you have fun!
The weather looks quite different from your last video. Enjoy!
The stripes are incredible!
Small apples. Not genetically modified or hybridized for color, size, long shelf life.
Looks just like the macintosh grown in Michigan for cider
Mexico? Too cool!!! Ooh, speaking of Mexico, way back in an older video at the cottage, Mrs MIGardener mentioned a Mexican Banana Pepper recipe. Did yāall ever make a video on it? I couldnāt find it on YT or website.
Welcome to Mexico Luke. I hope you had a good time.
I always eat that apple but I didn't know it was an heirloom. Do you know how it is called?
It sounded crunchier than I expected, but looks delicious
Thank you for sharing. Its Great to know that "somewhere" in the world has real apples, instead of pesticide full GMO apples and most all fruit and vegetables. They've been trying to destroy humans for hundred years. armr first slowly with their pesticides so pe6can get diseases they've created just so they can push drugs to prolong suffering and the ultimate depopulation according to their Gates and Falsie. Now they're speeding it all up with their scamdemic.
Ever done an experiment to see if its apple OR chemicals used that you are allergic to?
I live just below the Manzano Mountains in NEW Mexico, so named because early Spanish settlers planted apple trees there next to natural springs and fresh water. Some of our apples looked much like yours.
Fruit will destroy your liver.
Hey, I'm allergic to apples too.
While your in Mexico, get some tuna fruits. I like āem better than apples.
Allergic to apples? Poor guy. Like swell up and can't breathe?
Yo: una manzana normal
i knew about the carrot allergy but this is the first time hearing about the apples.
Anyway i hope you are enjoying yourself, there!
Now I know I'm not the only one allergic to apples!! Nice apple though. Have safe travels and enjoy the beautiful weather there.
I love how you can find the beauty in a fruit even if youāre allergic to it.
Wow,I've never heard of anyone being allergic to apples,me,I'm allergic to housework,lol