How to can sausage & a few tips!
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Thank you for your video
I just purchased my first pressure canner (Presto 23 Qt) and can't wait to use it. I have a 48 pack of sausage patties I just bought from Sam's so I guess they are my first project! Thank you for motivating me to get started.
thanks I never thought to do patties. wow this is a game changer for me
I canned sausage, chicken, beef, and chicken bone broth made from rotisserie chickens. Very rewarding to know they are ready to heat and eat. I also have a flat surface range I have 2 pressure canners that hold 7 quarts or 9 pints each. It really upped my game when I purchased the second pressure canner. It would be great for someone with a huge garden or large family. When I bought the first one in 2020, I think it was $89.00. The second one was purchased about a month ago. It’s the exact same canner, and it cost $139.00.
Never tried canning sausage before, but definitely on my to do list now. Something worth mentioning, is its always good to have spare canner parts.
thank you
You can also can bacon but do so it raw pack in waxed paper.
Just finished canning 12 pints of beef stock. I've always heard that sausage with sage doesn't can well, are you not seeing any issues?
Great video
I canned sausage patties one time and when I went to use it the texture of it was horrible plus it also didn't taste the same. I used the same kind that you used in this video. What causes the horrible texture change and a little flavor change. Thanks
I have heard that canning anything with sage in it has a strong taste. Since most sausage has sage, do you find this to be true? Does the sage get bitter or strong after the canning process?
I've canned a lot of chicken but now can't find anymore so sausage will be the next thing in the canner.
Great advice, tips and tricks. Thank you sharing. Also, thank you for all your other videos. We need to be able to talk about everything coming and going. We need to keep a good trustworthy community always. Do keep all of your videos coming.
Easy to conquer divided! United we stand! We the people have had enough! Thanks Patera for all you do!
We do not rinse meat and we keep all the fat in the jars for tow reasons #1 in hard times especially you want and need those fat calories for energy.
#2 having the fat in the meat keeps it rich flavor intact.
Not criticism here in any way, just imput on how we do all our meat and why.
Oh, and with chicken we raw pack with fat and bits of the skin which adds flavor and fat calories and it turns out excellent.
Can you use broth or do you have to use water??
Thanks for this video Patera because I never thought to Can up sausage. Love your very informative videos!!
I have to talk to myself while canning too Patera!! Lol lol
Question: I messed up and put 5 oxygen absorbers on top of my sugar which was in a 4 gallon food grade bucket. They were in there a couple weeks. Is my sugar bad? Do I toss it?
Is your canner lid ok? It looked like it was cracked.
Thank you for teaching canning sausage. I like to do canning on the back porch with a single propane burner. This way the kitchen doesn't get filled up with humidity.
I love canning lol it’s so fun! I wish I had learned more from my grandmother, she was a tough cookie! I didn’t so I am learning as I go! But I am doing it!
Hi Patera, I've learned so much from you on your channel over the past year or so and appreciate everything you do for us. I canned a gallon of pinto beans last week and will start on sausage patties tomorrow. I've run out of storage space in my kitchen from all the canning. With all the other preps (canned meats, veggies, fruits, etc.) I've had to extend my storage to other places throughout my home. I don't want them to be in plain sight, so they're neatly organized in various areas (my cat's closet bookshelf is one of them).
She doesn't mind, as all of her food supplies are in there, too. Blessings to you and your family. Your encouragement keeps me going.
High strung naturally ?
Did you can some hamburger soup sometime last year. I can't remember who can and I can't find it. I thought I wrote down how to make it but I can't find it.
Hi Patara, I have a question. Is it possible to CAN sausage links that are already PRECOOKED?