We are in Mexico, and I decided to gift a lime tree to my uncle in-law. It just so happened to make a growing guide out of it! In this episode we will discuss fertilizing, planting, soil prep, location, sunlight, watering, plant selection, and more!
VIDEO: How to Grow Citrus Trees in Ground Complete Growing Guide
We are in Mexico, and I decided to gift a lime tree to my uncle in-law. It just so happened to make a growing guide out of it! In this episode we will discuss fertilizing, planting, soil prep, location, sunlight, watering, plant selection, and more!
would love to see an update in a few years
That's funny I just finished watching one of your older Citrus videos and he is a brand new one
Mexico looks good on you
Geez, they grow really fast from seed from the fruit. Mine were about that tall in one year. Now about 7 feet…about two years now. I have a cute little tree I bought. In two years, it has remained about the same height…about a foot.
I have to suggest using the seeds in the fruit.
Citrus leaves make nice tea.
Congrats on the one million mark Mike!
Good timing. Just moved all my citrus trees outside.
Would love to see you care for a potted citrus tree in your home zone along with indoor winter care!
I got a Valencia orange tree for my wife, and it’s growing in a container inside under a light (too hot here for outside). Over 2 months or so, it’s grown a ton of new foliage, but the new leaves have interveinal chlorosis, where the leaves are yellow with green veins. I have 3 Jobe’s citrus tree nutrient sticks in the container, which is about 24” (it’s big!). I don’t water too much, and let the top soil dry pretty good before watering again.
What could be the cause? Anyone have an idea?
Edit: my tree is ungrafted, and the leaves all looked really nice and green when I got it.
Luke, I hope you enjoyed your time down in Mexico! Could any Citrus trees be able to grow and thrive in Michigan?
Any thoughts about Calomondin growing in southeast Michigan? I'm really wanting to do it. Visiting family in Georgia and it's amazing.
Thanks SO MUCH!!!
That's a nice Crown of Thorns to the left of your uncle's new lime, which is a lovely thank you gift, btw. I hope it gives him and his family many limes to enjoy with the avocados he probably has growing elsewhere in his yard. Guacamole,, mmmmmmm…. ~ Lisa
Hey carnal te mandastes con los limones para el ceviche y las coronitas..:)
Hi, I was given a citrus tree that was stripped bare (winter) and now has 3 small leaves shoots growing. How long will it take to fruit again?
i got a lemon tree 2 weaks ago and i didn't know it was sick i see it with flowers and the smell realy nice but it have one of it's tops drying and i thinking it is duying i don't know what to do to help it.
What we call a lime in the US, in Mexico is called a limón verde or green lemon. There is another fruit there called lima (pale green with a slightly spiky surface) which an ingredient in a nice soup: sopa de lima.
I love that you go on vacation and still find something to plant. This is truly your passion.
I miss Mexico. I use to live out there. But where I live is now filled with terrorists. So I will never go back.
Another great, long term amendment is pea gravel. It's a cocktail of minerals. Also, I saw a fully grown, lemon loaded tree down the road from me in TN. It was south facing against a brick wall. So I thought I could do it too. I had a potted improved meyer but it failed to get established this past winter so I may have to look into a more hardy variety. It's possible zone 7a.
My orange tree is dying, I don't know why?
I loved every second of this video. MIGardener in Mexico, doing what you do best, and a tutorial!
Where did you get yours. I want another navel orange, but can only find one for $80. Ours froze when TX froze.
Look at that gorgeous, warm sunshine. Hope you all are enjoying family time. I’m sure the citrus tree you planted will be lovely.
I dont know what happen but u started watching you 11 years ago found your channel again. I remember first video for me is where you went to your parents place and did a garden for them or something. Glad you doing so well. Keep up the good work.