June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Measured Medicine; Tincture Making Part 4

Herbalist, Grower, and Medicine Maker, Greta Dietrich of Woodswise Botanicals, a certified botanical nursery, will demystify herbal medicine with a practical and grounded approach Learn the craft of tincturing, history, types of alcohol used, and reasons why we use a tincture instead of a tea, infusion or decoction. Greta will also cover when to use fresh or dried herbs, why it’s important to measure, how and why we must always label, determining dosage, as well as the responsibilities of being a medicine maker. In part 4, Greta begins by squeezing out the liquid tincture from soaking in dried Echinacea angustifolia roots and describes some of the differences between Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea pupurea.


5 thoughts on “VIDEO: Measured Medicine; Tincture Making Part 4

  1. Thank you for this series and many thanks to the lovely Greta for the engaging demonstration! As a chemist I wish this got more technical, but this was still a great watch!

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