To avoid spreading misinformation most of the store bought fresh fig seeds are not able to germinate so you are probably better off buying seeds meant for planting.
If you are able to get you hands on a fresh pollinated fig i wouldn’t maybe recommend doing as in the video and just putting one seed straight in the soil. but instead put a few seeds between some damp tissue paper and in a plastic bag for a week or two, just to see which ones and if they germinate. Or then scoop out a bunch of seeds and putting them in a glass of water overnight, and plant those which sink to he bottom.
The fig in the video is not the one i got the seed from, its just a fig from the supermarket. I lost the footage and had to reeshoot the intro after it was done.
So this video is for entertainment purposes only but it works if you have the right figs for it
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Just one question: what do you do with all those plants? Your garden must be brilliant!
Those first, sprouting leaves were so pleasantly shaped for some reason
how many projects do you have going at once and are you continuing others that we have already seen the start of?
Disclaimer: No wasps were harmed in the making of this video.
It grows really similarly like a rubber tree!
Y'know, figs are pollinated by tiny wasps… that live inside them… and die in there…
dear Boxlapse
I wish one day I could make videos as beautiful as your videos.
Wait how is it 145 days if the last video has been 7 days ago I'm confused
Wow, finally a fig! Can you do peach, please?
Holy cow! Cuttings take almost that long to get well established, I may grow from seed this year.
Hey could you plant baobab?
wow , beatiful
My Grandpa had a fig tree right outside the backdoor. Man, were they yummy! Plus, that man could grow anything! Just like you!
Do you change the soil often when the plant is growing? I keep noticing displacement of it but does anything change or you just move it around a bit?
Will those fruits be edible?
what potting mix do you use or do you mix your own?
What zone are you guys in?
Another wonderful video, but the inside of a fresh fig is absolutely revolting.
You have to have a pollinated fig for this to happen. Most commercial figs aren't pollinated and the seeds will not germinate
I have that plant and it died
It’s amazing how such a tiny seed gives a big tree… how can someone not be in admiration
i love the leafs of fig tree and the delicate stems
love the tree and love the music too.