June 8, 2024

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: We Are Starting The First Seeds For This Year's Garden

  1. Luke, thanks I never bought seed asparagus before.. only roots
    After your video I was curious if I'd have any luck.
    1st sprout from seed! Sorry couldn't add a photo here

  2. Upgraded on indoor lights and started my seeds back in February, rest in early March lmao. Gonna have perfect seedlings for April and may. Started 25 tomato plants for far less than the price of one $7 seedling I’d normally buy at Lowes. The packet of 100 seeds was only $5 and you can customize to any kind of tomato you want not just the box store stuff everyone else obviously has. This was how I started tomatoes and peppers for a long time but with new lights I’ve had kale seedlings started since January, nice and big ready to go in the garden ASAP after I go fishing this weekend
    Edit: I am zone 7 so my timeline doesn’t match up with his anyways but I am excited to start gardening so much earlier than usually possible for me

  3. Would definitely love to see a video about seeds that need light to germinate. I'm getting ready to start some pink celery so that's good to know.

  4. All of my seeds, all from you, have had the best germination rate ever. I gotta go back and see what you have on dampening off. My peppers and tomatoes just keep dying off from it.

  5. Love the information that you share. I'm in central Alabama, and have potatoes, onions, spinach, swiss chard, beets, peas, alpine strawberries, endive, and lettuce planted in raised beds & GreenStalk towers. My peppers, tomatoes will be ready to transplant into the garden in two weeks. I have starts for eggplant, cosmos, borage, cucumbers, zucchini, basil, & hollyhocks. I'll be finishing my garden with direct sowing bush beans, pole beans, and zinnias. I am already planning my fall garden.

  6. I started some seeds about 8 days ago I wish I wouldive seen these tips sooner. I noticed I put on a humidity dome and got a bit of fuzz … removed the dome to air. Any suggestions? Someone suggested advising some cinnamon where seen. Hope there not destroyed

  7. I see you just started some onion seeds, I'm in zone 6b in Nova Scotia, and from what I understood, I would have had to start them in February….is this wrong??? I thought I missed my shot this year as the onion sets do not work well for me…..thanks in advance for any info….your videos are always such a big help! Happy planting!!!

  8. I would very much like to see a 'seeds that need light to germinate' video. Our a 'seeds that need dark…..' My personal preference would be surprises, like 1/2 deep seeds that want light (I made this up), but I hope you get what I mean.

  9. For half my seeds I used the off-brand organic seed starting mix from Menards and it sucked. Had to replant all of my tomatoes today. Last frost day is supposedly April 28 but it never really is. Too cold for tomatoes until mid May at earliest in Iowa anyway.

  10. My last Frost date here in Northern California is May 31st but we've had abnormally warm weather the last two months so it's been killing me not to jump the gun! Just started my carrots, onions, leafy greens, radishes and parsnips outside today and got some celery flowers and herbs sewn inside 2 weeks ago, strawberries, tomatoes and peppers inside tomorrow. But I also have seven, 14 ft tall tomato plants in front of my hexagonal east, south, west window wall in my living room (we have tall cathedral ceilings) that just started ripening this week and we are the first harvest last night and tonight for dinner! I grew those from runners I took from last seasons plants before our first Frost!

  11. Perfect timing. I'm going to start the same in a few days. I started peppers and onions already because they are slow to germinate. I will have a lot of peppers as they were variety packs and you don't know what they are so I plant all at once. I'm trying to wait on tomatoes so I'm not covering them up from frost at transplant time and not to have giant transplants. I've never started asparagus by seed, interesting. Yes, planting my new dwarf apple orchard with other edibles like rhubarb and asparagus would be a great addition as well–permaculture.
    Thank you for mentioning to use plain potting soil. I bought coconut coir and added perlite and it's an awful mess. Battling white mold and never had this problem before using other mixes. I wanted to try soil blocks this year and heard coconut coir is part of the mix, but I don't know now because it is not working well in a netted flat.
    I'm going to try starting some brassicas in winter sow jugs, direct sown and inside. If winter sow works and I hope it does, it will save so much room and work. Thanks for great video!

  12. Ok so I started my peppers last weekend I make my own mix with coconut coir vermiculite perlite some trifecta and some worm castings planted the seeds put them on a heat mat and put a humidity dome on them the trifecta fungused up did I have the mix too moist?

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