More info: One of our favorite crops and certainly one of the easier perennial veggies to grow, artichokes are a stunning and incredible addition to a home garden. If you’re used to growing annual veggies, learning how to grow artichokes is a fantastic way to get into perennial veg.
00:00 – Intro
00:57 – How They Grow
02:03 – Annual Growing In Cold Climates
03:14 – Climate And Watering
04:21 – Growing In Small Spaces
05:41 – Artichoke Varieties
06:35 – Harvest I Spring & Fall
07:53 – Propagation
09:31 – Outro
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Okay I'm curious in some of your other videos you plant other plants with them can you do that with artichokes or do they need to be alone ?
How do you keep earwigs out of them
That is funny. I just bought some seeds today. Second attempt at those guys. Carolina mountains can be ruthless.
You're so awesome!!!! The timeliness of your videos can be so perfect for socal growers.
I bought an artichoke start from the nursery. There is three plants in the one container…are they like tomatoes can i seperate them pretty easily and plant each seperately? Its green globe if that matters. I know you can seperate them when theyre more mature but what about the youglings?
Oh no! What if I didn't cut them back the first year? I just let them go. I am zone 10a.
I had a weed plant live for 13 months and it flowered twice
Just saw artichokes in my garden store, guess I'll grab a few.
We are growing Cardoon this year, can’t wait to try it.
Anyone have success in western Washington area?
My artichokes open their flowers super fast! And the buds are so small. How do I get it to make a larger choke?
I love how the cat has adopted you.
Happy April Fool Day Awesome thanks for the next time
You should try growing rice in dry conditions and select the best ones to replant its seeds.
Perfect timing, thank you. Mine are growing well, hopefully I will get some fruit this year. Blessings!
In Louisiana we stuff artichokes. So good…Shrimp stuffed artichokes.
Babka is reminding you who’s boss!!!
This is so awesome! I just ordered some artichoke seeds!
if that cat bite broke skin…..A cat bite could be hazardous to your health!!
Earwigs it snails keep eating the artichoke leaves until nothing is left! Earwig trap really didn’t work…
Don't fuck with Bobka!
Just got 1, so thanks for the info. Now I know what to do with it.
My artichokes died at minus 17 degrees celsius here in the german winter.