We’re going to have to work harder AND be producers like never before to sustain.
See ya on the farm & thanks for watching!
~ All American 921 Canner: https://amzn.to/3w88tpG
~ Lodge Cast Iron Griddle: https://amzn.to/3ot1KEb
~ Kwik Cut Biscuit Cutter: https://amzn.to/3GAHZk6
Patara’s Social Media:
~ Facebook: https://goo.gl/6Sf4II
~ Facebook Premium Group: goo.gl/n4bnMo
~ Instagram:https://goo.gl/PjL8qp
*Snail Mail:
PO Box 24501
Farragut, TN 37933
Music by Epidemic Sound
Everyone I know who complains about the storage of food….are taking vacations, they are remodeling their house, they are spending money for new things when the old things work…they are drinking Starbucks coffee, and going out to eat. They have no idea what it means to focus on what you want and what you need. Tons of things do not matter when it comes to basic needs.
I used to drive a truck working 60 to 70 hours a week or more. When I had a 40 hour week,it felt like I was working part time. So yes I would work part time if could.
I live in the UK and I love your channel and I am stocking up too xxx
Flour just jumped $6 a bag at my local Costco. Went from 10 to 16 sometime in the last two weeks.
It’s getting real now.
Love the video and I really tried to pay attention but the baby was too cute
Full Spectrum Survival said a month or 2 ago that we would need to work 2/3 jobs just to survive…I suggest to everyone to go watch his videos to get educated on our future.
Ireland from Monday Aldi raising everything by 20%… Local butchers ,3 chickens breasts were 5 euro today 6 ,euro.
Saw a stat 10 yrs ago: 80% of Americans have $6,000+ debt. An article dropped yesterday: a consumer debt explosion (February 2022) $41.8 Billion!!! We aint even in the thick of it yet & people are burying themselves in worse debt. OMGoodness!!
I am so grateful that we dropped our debt. About 4-5 months ago, we set ourselves free. All except the mortgage. Now we can breath so much easier.
I hope everyone will know the freedom & peace of being debt free.
Patara ,I buy my eggs from a 3 year old . He feeds ,waters ,cleans nest boxes ,and gathers the eggs .His Mom and Dad give him the money he makes from the sales.
Do people actually plan to borrow on a card to buy food. How about not pay the card and buy the food. What good is credit in a total crash. So you can repeat the same mess, borrow, pay for credit, borrow, pay for credit. These are statements, not questions.
A little over a 100 years ago, it wasn't called prepping, it was just a way of life, grandma and grandpa ate what the grew and traded with neighbors for what they did not grow…meat was not a part of an every day diet…
yet today the spoiled world is actually rotten to the core and growing worse with each passing day…
I'll leave you with the word of the Lord God…Jesus said before He returned it would be like the days of Noah and the days of Lot…not that they would come one after the other, but they would come upon us at the same time, and here we are living those days…if you have not read those accounts in awhile, or if you never have never read the account of Noah and Lot, i suggest to pull out the bible and blow the dust off it and see what lies ahead for this evil wicked world…
To my Christian brethren that are not busy bodies with the world…prepare for the coming onslaught of what is to come…I'll leave you with a passage out of Isaiah…and yes it is related to end times and we ain't just there yet, but as an old time Theologian once said, all prophecy from the word of God has a near term and future fulfillment…take it as you will, but I will heed these words from my Lord Jesus Christ!!!
Isaiah 26:20-21
20 Come, my people, enter your rooms
And close your doors behind you;
Hide for a little while
Until indignation runs its course.
21 For behold, the Lord is about to come out from His place
To punish the inhabitants of the earth for their wrongdoing;
And the earth will reveal her bloodshed
And will no longer cover her slain.
Now understand this, these words are written to the child of God and not to the child of Satan, if you have not been cleansed by the blood of the Lamb…you are a child of Satan and will find yourself in the lake of fire with the father of lies (Satan) come the day of Judgment.
If you have not come to Christ for His cleansing blood, may the Father of Light call you to the Lord Jesus and give you the heart to confess Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart He was raised from the dead to life.
To Him be the glory forevermore. Amen.
In June 1994, Bill Clinton issued Executive Order 12919, also known as the “National Defense Industrial Resources Preparedness” which allows the Federal government to seize all food and water resources from the public and private sector. The order describes the confiscation of food resources as “all commodities and products that are capable of being ingested by either human beings or animals…at all stages of processing.” In this order, the confiscation of water resources relates to “all usable water, from all sources, within the jurisdiction of the United States, which can be managed, controlled, and allocated to meet emergency requirements.”
In March 2012, Barack Obama signed Executive Order 13603, better known as the “National Defense Resources Preparedness” which enables the Federal government to confiscate and re-distribute all potable water, food, and whatever resources are necessary to protect the United States during a state of emergency.
Hello::: WE on a thin Grey line !!!!
Our shop hen as hatch out so far 2 diddles. Enjoy listening to them. They make me smile.
The best things to do are the free things.
A walk in the country, a visit to a small country church… a park!
The fishing holes, barn dances,
Chili cook offs… ahhhh.
Little music festival's…visiting on a porch swing with a sweet tea.
QUESTION? Love your channel. I just started watching 4 months ago and watching all the videos I can. I was wondering do you have a you tube video on storing dog food for long time storage? I am a vaccum sealer kind of person. I have 2 digs and I want to make sure they get food too! I saw a video from a year ago. To tell you the truth, it was rather boring and really not alot of information. Thank you kindly. Thank you for all your do!
I feel like having an Apple now :0)
So Patara, You are a rock star! I'm out of town and everyday I'm still trying to do my do diligence! We are camping and went to the local Walmart. I told my husband, lets check their mason jars! While looking I said to him, we have to do our do diligence. The sweetest lady heard me and asked if I watch Appalachia's Homestead. I said heck yes! We became the best friends as she walked around the store teaching me what to stock up on and how! Her sweet name is Virginia. Virginia wanted me to tell you (because she doesn't comment) to let everyone know that hollyhocks are edible! Here's what it says about them: Many people don't realize that the common garden flower, Hollyhock, is completely edible – root, leaves and blossoms – and useful for more than just its charming looks. So as they bring the bee's around, we can eat them too! Thanks for bringing us all together! I loved meeting Sweet Virginia!
Currency in the new world disorder is to control your every purchase.
Taking care of the home, kids, etc is the hardest job of all. Might not get a paycheck but without that person, nothing works smoothly. Shout out to the "homemakers"