March 16, 2025

VIDEO: 4 Common Garden Prep Misconceptions

In today’s episode we are cleaning up the garden (finally) to get it ready to plant! We are going to be also discussing 4 popular garden prep misconceptions that surround this time of year. Misconceptions like; Should you compost tomato plants? Should you till your garden? Is leaving material in your garden over winter ok? And Should you always amend and fertilize the garden every season?

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: 4 Common Garden Prep Misconceptions

  1. I know this is outside of your wheelhouse… but my garden is only for my land turtles. I need a clean garden, to bring the babies inside… birds eat them. They hatch in Septemver, but may choose to hibernate in the nest, until the following year. When should I clear out my debris?

  2. My question is; does composting outside bring mice and voles in to contaminate your compost? I have a little compost inside the garage but I have plenty of land outside to compost. I’m in north North Idaho. 2880 ft altitude.

  3. I can't tell you how pleased I am with my seeds again. Just up potted all the cute cucumbers. Every seed germinated and grew. 144 munchies and 144 yard long. 6 of each for myself and the rest for friends!

  4. Cleaned up the garden and cultivated compost in to it two weeks ago. I have learned so much listening to your channel. Bought some Uncle Jim’s red wigglers today to make my own worm castings. We bought a chipper/shredder that we can use for putting garden debris through and spread back on the garden. We have a lot of trees so it serves two purposes.

  5. Funny to hear you talk about Salamanders, I get them in my leaf cover each year, generally red and yellow spotted ones. Get Garter Snakes as well. My son and I always move them down back where it will be much cooler once summer comes. I am so excited for this year, we built 3 new beds last fall and we are trying tons of new seeds this year.

  6. We found a spotted salamander while moving some rocks near the garden 5 years ago… then last year we found the same one living under a log on one of our hugelkulture mounds [missing 1 finger on its left leg and had a deformed tail! Both pictures are on my ig! Pretty freakin cool..

  7. The 2nd year after building our house we found a spotted salamander on our stone steps going down the back of the house. So cool! But have never seen one since:(

  8. Soil prep is everything. It may take more time and effort but it is well worth it. I truly enjoy tilling the soil. Not only does it loosen the soil but it also mixes up all the different nutrients within the soil

  9. This is indirectly garden prep related but do you have any advice on how to get rid of bindweed? The house I bought last year has a lot of it and It took over my garden area but the end of the season. I pulled it constantly but it didn't help. Now it's already inches tall by start of April. I believe in organic gardening but I'm seriously about to use round-up because I'm desperate 🙁 I need advice!

  10. I always tilled last year I got lazy and tried no till both worked fine I usually clean up in the fall got lazy again and left some for the spring , I'll see what happens nice talk Luke.

  11. Generally I refresh my raised beds with organic fertilizer, Azomite rock dust, worm castings and some Fox Farms soil. I haven't started composting yet but will this year. Three of my five beds are already done (I'm in MA, zone 5A) and I already planted early Spring seeds (carrots, cilantro, lettuce, onions mustard). The other two beds will be done this month, no rush since they will get beans and peppers and a couple of tomato plants (in the carrot bed).

  12. Powdery mildew infected plants are perfectly safe to compost anyway as unlike other fungus, powdery mildew has to have a living host in order to survive and once a plant is in the compost the powdery mildew has no living host and cannot survive.

  13. What a great perspective. I’ve always been terrified of most bugs, reptiles, etc. But since I started gardening last year I won’t scream and run if I see a frog now. Lol We have so many frogs and bugs and lots of animals that live in our gardens here in the South, so I just welcome it all. And I’ve learned to do whatever I can to not disturb their environment.

  14. We played with the spotted salamander as kids and I came across a momma and her nest a couple years ago…what an amazing sight. Thanks for continuing to share with us.

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