June 27, 2024

VIDEO: Tips to Speed Up Germination and Sprout Finicky Seeds

Sprouting finicky seeds can be frustrating to say the least. In this video we will outline some tips and tricks to speed up germination, as well as increase the germination of different seeds so that you have more success with seed starting.

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Tips to Speed Up Germination and Sprout Finicky Seeds

  1. Are habanero seeds usually hard to start? All of my seeds germinated except for the habanero, I planted every seed in the pack and not a single one worked (seeds were new, not old)

  2. Loads of useful info here… another great video Luke… the best fertilizer for seedlings in my experience is simply two handfuls of compost soaked in a gallon of water for 15 minutes… strain and water seedlings directly… the plants go crazy over this!…

  3. I sat and planted seeds between midnight and 4am. Couldn't sleep. That was last Sunday. Planted on Monday too. And in less than 2 days I saw sprouts. Had to get the grow lights out. I do use a gardening heating pad which helps.

  4. I've been starting seeds indoors for several years and have always had pretty good success. This year I had really good germination but some of them just quit growing . In the past I've always used cheap shop lights. This year the only thing I did different was I used led plant grow lights. Not sure if that is the problem or not. So I gave them a shot of fish emulsion (1tsp to a gal.) and crossing my fingers..would hate to lose my giant crimsons at this point. ☹

  5. Thank you for all the info you give on gardening Luke! I just started a garden this year after realizing how useful it is to know how to grow your own food with the possibility of food shortages and the price of food going up. I just happened upon your channel and I’m so thankful I did! Your videos are helping me feel more confident in starting my garden.

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