March 19, 2025

10 thoughts on “VIDEO: How we start our onion seeds! #short

  1. I have MUCH trouble growing onions to larger than a golf ball size. I use sets so I realize this is my problem. This year I bought seed but the package said specifically not to start indoors. Plant outdoors after last frost. Did I get green onions or winter storage onions? What are you growing in your video? I’ve been gardening my whole life (65) and if I can conquer this it’s a huge success! Thanks!

  2. I am going to start my second growing of short days as seed but my spring plant I bought bunching mix short day more because I didn’t have the space to start them indoor and didn’t have my grow tunnel put up yet…getting those put up this next week lol got to excited to get things planted so getting these grow tunnels up will be amusing good thing I don’t have close neighbors to laugh watching me

  3. When do you transplant them out? I started from seed this year. I started Feb 14th. Our last frost is around mother's day weekend. They still look like thick grass lol so I'm not sure if they are strong enough to go out or if I just need to harden them off and get them out there.

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