March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Start Seeds With Us: Spring Flowers, Summer Crops, and More!

Looks like @Jacques in the Garden and I didn’t start enough seeds for Spring 2022, so we’re back with some more casual seed starting tips and tricks. Grab your seeds, grab a drink, sit back, relax, and start seeds with us for the season ahead.

00:00 – Intro
01:01 – Royal Carpet
01:29 – Panache
01:54 – Pro Cut Plum
02:24 – Golden Yarrow
04:28 – Allure Pastel Blend
04:52 – Pro Cut White Nite & Pro Cut Orange
05:09 – Purple Cone Flower
05:39 – Oklahoma Salmon & Oklahoma Pink
06:20 – Summer Savory
09:08 – Amazing Grey
10:08 – Margold
11:37 – Black Krim
12:32 – Delicious Hunt & Mother Of Pearl
14:32 – Rainbow Pumpkin Mix
14:48 – Capitano
16:31 – Big Max
16:42 – Meraviglia Di Venezia
17:02 – Sungold
18:07 – Outro


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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Start Seeds With Us: Spring Flowers, Summer Crops, and More!

  1. I felt that way about the Brad's Atomic Grape the first year I grew it, but I saved seeds for last year and they did great. They're super slow to start fruiting but once they do they blow up. The trick with them is knowing when to pick them because the color makes it hard to know when they're ripe.

  2. jaques wears it better, but like all fashion it's a matter of comfort and confidence. looking forward to doing more herbs myself this year, cabbage moths got all my pac choi last year so I'm taking a break from those hahaha

  3. I never understood why people sterilize their mix before planting into them(I get why the companies do it to avoid molds and whatnot). I always inoculate my mixes with microbial life. Whether that's through worm castings, mycorrhizal fungi or other soluble organic nutrients with added microbial life. A healthy soil food web is key.

  4. I'm really excited about doing some gardening of my own this year. I'm a little behind on my seed starting. There might be some frost coming to us still (Oklahoma) so I I'm currently doing Winter Sowing/Soda bottle greenhouses to get them started in peat pellets. Also I really like "Verm for the germ." I cracked up so hard when I had that. I'm only really growing a couple of flowers this year (Dahlias and Larkspur) so it will be fun to see how that goes.
    Thank you for your tips and the fun watch!
    -Entie Vyvyan Wormwood

  5. Laughing because i also have a full tray and a half of tomatoes and peppers that i have no idea where i am going to plant them all. I did do a smaller aluminum tray of all flowers but not nearly enough of the ones i want. Just not sure again where they are going to go.

  6. is it possible for you guys to teach us how to grow zucchini? i'm too stubborn to listen to any other garden channel other than you guys

  7. Those of us in colder climates have to start so many seeds indoors to get a decent growing window, and if we don't sterilize the seed starting mixes, fungus gnats just TAKE OVER. I really enjoyed your seed-starting sessions!

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