March 25, 2025


Planting POTATOES In FREE Containers SIMPLE and EASY. See HOW To plant and grow potatoes. Simple and Easy way to get huge Harvests.

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10 thoughts on “VIDEO: Planting POTATOES In FREE Containers SIMPLE and EASY

  1. The size of the potato piece is absolutely irrelevant.

    We pull off the long sprouts from storage and plant those directly with no potato attached… and then chit the potatoes to cut and plant the traditional way.

    The planted raw sprouts do just fine with no yield/vigor/health difference from the second, still on the tuber succession.

    My Grandad used to tell me about how his dad would just cut the sprout off with no noticeable potato attached, plant the sprouts and turn the remaining spuds into potato soup for dinner for the family that whole week.

    Depression era food-hacks FTW.

  2. That's funny. Just yesterday, I planted potatoes this way, based on your previous video. 2 boxes with 2 kinds- red and Idaho potatoes. But there, you filled up the box to the top with layers. I did exactly the same way. Did it work for you last time with potatoes being close to the bottom and filled to the top? Thank you, Mark.

  3. I used to think that growing potatoes was a waste of time and money compared to just buying them. The first year I planted a few for fun and was amazed by the yield compared to the cost of planting. Plus, storing for the winter is awesome!

  4. You never disappoint, Mark. This is a great project for the grandkiddos. Thanks for the tip about the size of the chits. I never heard that before. I did hear to use double corrugated cardboard for garden projects. Surely they are stronger.

    Will be fun to watch the progress. Many blessings to you and yours.

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