June 9, 2024

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: 5 Tips to Reduce and Prevent Mold and Algae in Your Seedling Trays

  1. This was exactly what I needed! Been struggling with mold and gnats. I’ve been bottom watering, but leaving them in the tray, thus still overwatering. And I buy perlite to add to my mixes, I thought I was almost adding too much, but guess not quite enough!

  2. Wow, thank you so much! This is my first year starting to grow vegetables and I just started my seeds yesterday and I wondered about them having too much water, so now I know what to do 🙂

  3. Always seem to struggle with algae during germination, especially on peppers that like to take so long. Once they get that little tap root going though my general rule is to bottom water them the day after the top layer goes fully dry, that way algae can't form and the roots have a chance to stretch.

  4. I have to say how much I appreciate the explanations provided. I have a severely minimally budget so I have to make do with whatever resources I have available at the time. With your knack for explaining things I am able to use the information provided prioritizing resources available and having a better idea of what can wait until I can obtain more STUFF. Thank you.

  5. The lack of UV indoors is one of the big issues as well.

    Peroxide is really good knock back but overall the key is like you say moisture.

    For my larger pots I use pine bark which doesn’t wick but does allow air flow. Perlite can be used but I’ve found pine bark is way more effective at staying in place and obviously looks more “natural”

  6. Luke that was the best explanation on seedling algae I've ever seen. Increasing perlite up to 50% and allowing drying cycles flipped the switch, as a rookie gardener I now realize my trays were way too moist. The comparison of perlite heavy soil vs poor soil was also eye opening. Excellent video–thank you!

  7. This is fantastic, thank you so much. I actually have some algae growth on my seedlings for the first time ever and I wasn't sure what it was. but i did notice that that tray is growing so much slower, and now I understand why. I really appreciate you doing this video.

  8. Ty for this video. This is my first year growing seedlings indoors and I've had to water many of them every couple of days because they are drying out so fast. I thought I was doing something wrong, but I guess its because they have good drainage and really need it.

  9. How did you know I needed this very video today?! Thank you for this! My seedling tray developed algae for the first time and now I know why. Much gratitude!!

  10. Great info. Question i have…..is isnt algae/kelp a fertilizer? Shouldnt the existence of algae be a good thing for that matter? Sincerely asking, im an overthinker.

  11. Great tips! Mold and algae is gross and I've been wondering how to combat it. Will def add perlite from now on! The rest of the tips I already learned from you in prior years!!! Thanks!

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