Who doesn’t love free plants! Use this trick to get free tomato seedlings from cuttings taken from the thinnings of our seedling trays.
VIDEO: Use This Trick to Get FREE Plants From Thinning Seedlings
Who doesn’t love free plants! Use this trick to get free tomato seedlings from cuttings taken from the thinnings of our seedling trays.
Awesome video, shout out from South Florida.
YES! Gonna be beautiful weekend here in Michigan!! Throwing the kiddo in the trampoline and getting to it!!
Wow I didn’t know that would work Im
Going to try it Thanks!!
Hmm… that looks easier than splitting/separating the seedlings.
Where can I get those pots? That’s a great size
great video! Just in time because I have many seedlings per cell and I didn't hVe the heart to thin them out since my other 2 trays didn't germinate
Yes Luke, I'm that person who just can't thin my seedlings. I have to separate them. The last 3 nights, I separated my turnip greens and larkspar. I just can't thin them
How to get out ofdepression without meds? How to not be lonely? Thanks
As always, great information Luke. You and the guy over at Toward Garden here on YouTube are so informative and I always learn so much. Thanks for your great videos!
Great video Luke. I used the broadcast method on purpose to start leggy seedlings so when I pot up they have lots of room to grow roots along stem.
All you can only do this method with tomatos. You can't do this all crops most need tap root.
Yes! Good vid info
Great info. I had no idea this was possible.
Can you do this with other plants?
more than tomato seedlings it is harder to "kill" paprika seedlings
I just saved thinnings of jalapeño plants that had 100% germination, omygoodness! Transplant carefully. Should be warm all year, now.
Luke, I have a question. Since tomatillos have the same little hairs on their stem, and tomatillo sounds a lot like tomato, does the same rule apply? I just tried it out. I will let you know if it took root.
This is amazing!
Perfect timing as I was about to start thinning. I’m so happy to hear that you can save them!
Isn’t it too early to plant out Tomatoes? Are you doing a row cover?
I actually practice somewhat the opposite, I just plant one seed per square, whatever sprouts, I shall be content with; given their size space is no constraint to get another tray going. By the way, no such thing as survival of the fittest as long as there's an external influencing power, in this case Luke and his hand tool… grow big or go home, sweet home!
My seedling are turning yellow what fertilizer should I use?
Are there other plants that this will work well with?
What are the clippers you are using called? I’d love to get a pair of those.
wow!! Great job! You rock this. here in Mexico, I needed this vid a month ago-!! Best wishes!
Who doesn't love free plants?!