December 22, 2024

VIDEO: How to Perfectly Pest-Proof a Raised Bed

If you’re dealing with digging pests like moles, voles, gophers, or rummaging pests like skunks and raccoons, or even birds and insects, we’ve got you covered. Join @Jacques in the Garden and I as we show you how to perfectly pest-proof the bottom of your bed, and build a frame to hold any time of top cover to your bed, like shade cloth, bird or insect netting, or frost cloth.

00:00 – Intro
00:55 – Leveling Soil
01:36 – Landscape Fabric
02:50 – Hardware Cloth
03:21 – Cardboard
04:44 – Top Frame
08:54 – Filling Bed With Soil


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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Perfectly Pest-Proof a Raised Bed

  1. A great idea. Can you please tell me the maker of those 3 quarter corner fittings you used. I cant find them anywhere. I'm sure I could buy them if I new who made them. Kind regards Malcolm

  2. The MakerPipe stuff is great. I used some of their brackets to make a trellis tunnel spanning the walkway between 2 of my raised beds. This year I'm probably going to build a second one.

  3. Can you talk about how to garden around water restrictions during drought or to rely on less water in the garden? I've been thinking about getting a rain barrel but other than that not sure how to approach gardening on limited water.

  4. We have done this same idea this year but with different materials. Rather than metal poles we used the plastic coated Metal rods that come in a selection of lengths meaning it wont rust out as theres no metal making contact with moisture but it still retains rigidity they also have a sligtly rirged texture along the poles so it easy to string out additional lines for climbers. Then on the corners we have used "Build-a balls" which the rods simply slot into but they also have the benefit of creating a smooth corner so whatever covering material you use to cover with wont snag.

    Ours are currently covered with bird netting as we were having issues with blackbirds and starlings coming down and digging about in the areas i just sowed seed into and also with a local cat who decided my salad bed would make a great litter box 🙁 Not any more kitty!! The 2m lengths have made an easy fruit cage and the shorter ones I have attached a willow concertina trellis as the back wall to grow peas up.

  5. We have voles here by the hundreds! I have been using hardware cloth for the past 7 years. I would have noting to eat if not for that wire mesh barrier. My cats catch a lot of them, but there are just too many here in the south.

  6. Would it be too difficult to include the region in which each commenter lives? I rely a lot on comments for extra tried and true info, but different regions have different problems and pests.

  7. Great information, love the idea! I installed the half inch mesh in the bottom of my asparagus bed and I’m regretting it. The roots didn’t grow down as far as I would have liked because of the mesh. I think it would be great for other kinds of vegetables but I prefer not to do it with my asparagus bed. Hopefully you have better luck!

  8. I’m curious, if you still need bees for pollination but need to avoid birds, I guess you use the bird net? I was unclear since you said something about flying bugs in that area of your video. Thanks!

  9. I am one tall birdie bed into my garden journey and this makes me want to reset it and start over this winter using this method. Learning so much from the channel. I am wondering if PVC pipe would work just as well as the electrical conduit since I have better access to it and it does not rust. thanks.

  10. squirrels. squirrels will be my downfall. they eat through fabric and cloth, to get to munching and destroying my garden. they dug out all my bulbs this year, they destroyed my blueberry bushes and my rose bushes by munching on it. they destroyed all the young growth on my cherry tree 2 years in a row. i am on the verge of quitting. if anyone reads this message, and has tips, please tell me. or send help.
    – a demoralized sad gardner

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