June 9, 2024

VIDEO: Easy Companion-Planted Asparagus and Strawberries (Spring of Season 4)

Just a quick spring update about our asparagus and strawberries that we companion-planted in a single Ruth Stout style (hay only) garden bed. We originally planted the asparagus and strawberry crowns in 2019, but replaced the strawberries with transplants in 2020.

Previous videos:

Companion Planting Asparagus and Strawberries (No-till, Ruth Stout)

“No-till” Asparagus and Strawberry Update (end of second season)

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Easy Companion-Planted Asparagus and Strawberries (Spring of Season 4)

  1. This combination is actually my favorite vegetable bed in my garden. My strawberries are doing amazingly well, at least a handful a day, and the asparagus are doing great. I leave the ferns alone until they dry out. Mine are expanding but maybe it’s because I let it go to seed

  2. Hey awsome video, and for the asparagus i don't know if it's a fact or a myth but as of my knowledge asparagus tend to shoot spears right after a couple days of rain. So maybe because you water your garden the asparagus speared up earlyer

  3. I grow in raised beds. The asparagus and strawberry companion planting worked for us, but in a raised bed with multiple rows of both plants, the strawberries were always damp in the center. We had a lot of rotten berries. I dug and thinned the strawberries this year. I think we’ll find a new home for those and work on a new plant for the asparagus…

  4. i dont have any real facts to back this up, but I like to leave 1 asparagus shoot to grow and fern while harvesting the rest. I feel like it will keep the root system healthy.

  5. I ended up with mostly female asparagus plants from the crowns I bought last year, and I decided to just leave them since I'm not hurting for space. I let them go natural last fall and the seeds ended up all over. I now have dozens of tiny asparagus seedlings coming up all over the entire area lol.

  6. Asparagus is one of those things I've been putting off forever, for no good reason. If I'd planted some four years ago I'd have been enjoying it for a while now.
    TBF we've moved since then so I'd have had to start all over anyway, ho ho!

  7. We have volunteer asparagus growing in our front planters. We also see it all around here along the roads at the tops of the ditches next to farm fields. At the right times of the year, the asparagus ferns are easy to see above all the grasses and weeds. The asparagus is in a video I posted last year. Check it out if you like. https://youtu.be/0QcRe8V4BPQ

  8. This made my laugh as I've been checking my (first time) transplants daily. Today was the first day I saw a little spear poking through the soil as well and I was so excited to see it 🙂

  9. I watched your companion planting video and did something similar in my backyard. The asparagus grew like mad (6 foot ferns) the first 2 years – I think it liked my wet yard. But I made the mistake of planting that tall ferny weedy-looking plant too close to my back patio. I didn't mind the strawberries there because they don't grow so tall.

    So early this spring I moved some of them – and that was a beast of a job. But even the transplants are shooting up and are growing well. I'm harvesting from plants I didn't move, just incase I had to start over. But I think it will work fine. Lesson learned – asparagus like wet. At least in my yard. And strawberries will fill in the holes well enough! Can't go wrong with more berries.

  10. Found your channel today and have been working my way back through your catalog. You guys are already my favourite gardening channel!

  11. hey your goozle looks funny!!!
    You must be a FTM transgender, I know it's difficult to tell but I can!!
    Truth is all i will see!
    Scales are from over mine eyes! oh yeah!! i hear all the lies too!

  12. I remember on your bed, you said that someone told you in the comments that you shouldn't have put hay on the strawberries until they were growing?

    I made a bed like yours, asparagus and strawberries. I didn't lay any hay over the bed yet, waiting for the strawberries to grow.

    Most of the strawberry plants have sprouted now, and are growing great. The asparagus are growing great, too (which surprised me because I planted them all just 3 weeks ago lol).

    Do you reckon its ok to go ahead and cover the ground with hay now? Or should I just wait?

  13. Asparagus and strawberries — two of my favourites! Thanks for the update. It's great that you can feast on the wild asparagus while you patiently wait for your domestic crops get to the point where you can harvest them 🙂

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