March 29, 2025

VIDEO: Planting out the Vegetable Garden!

After many weeks of rain and cold weather we are finally getting ready to plant out the garden!

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Planting out the Vegetable Garden!

  1. In fl it's our summer that is our rest season it's too hot to anything then as far as planting seeds goes transplants you better not put in full sun for at least 2 weeks

  2. I know the Canadian Thistle is no fun BUT it is great for relieving poison ivy and oak rashes!!! I would say control it, don't completely eradicate it.

  3. I've got my cold crops planted..all doing very well..about a month now..was hoping to plant this weekend since our last frost date is May 15th…but next week lows in the high 20's…but then a quick warm up with mid 50' I'm waiting…one more week.
    Nice too see your family.

  4. Hi from Minnesota! I got my 20×30 community garden all planted today, but that wind was like a tornado out here, sure made it a challenge planting seeds, I’m sure I’ll find random stuff growing everywhere from the seeds blowing out of my hand, oh well, surprises are ok!

  5. Can anyone tell me a safe distance competing plants can be placed?
    I'm wanting to trellis some sweet potatoes near my winter and summer squash and I have confining space for such. The space between would be 16".
    Please and thank you. :))

  6. Doing same same. Just have zuke, squash, watermelon, cantaloupe, and 1 more bed of tomatoes to get in the ground tomorrow. Then have to figure out where i am putting my elephant ears and the iris transplants from my mother. Oh and of course a few pretty plants just because or so i hope.

  7. I put an Oriole feeder out in April and struck gold. I've been watching 6 or 7 Orioles daily for the last two weeks and it never gets old. I had only ever just barely seen them fly by once or twice before.

  8. I like your seed packaging. I can just shove it down in the dirt when done planting and it'll decompose. I don't have to fuss with empty seed packs blowing around the yard.

  9. I'm in SE Wi and I got most of my garden in yesterday and today. Such a good feeling! We've had crazy hot weather, I cannot remember ever being concerned for my seedlings over heat!

  10. Hey Luke, why did your cold weather crops just go in the garden? I'm up in Eastern Ontario and my seeds went in the third week of April. Most of them were fine but some did not take. My last frost for the spring is supposed to be May 25th, so I jumped the growing season by about a month. Thanks.

  11. I started a lot of seedlings a while ago but most of them didn’t get very big – due to soil issues. But the weather seemed to be agreeable so I gradually moved them outside and got them in the ground. Looks kinda sad right now but they’ll fill in. I’m pretty excited about the cattle panels I just got. Hoping to have lots of long beans, bitter melon, cucumbers, watermelon and honeydew melon!

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