June 8, 2024

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: 6 Ways to Control Weeds Organically

  1. Im in Virginia, would you know maybe the best thing Organic of course to keep all the buggies from ruining my tomatoes, peppers and strawberries..slugs get into all of them too.

  2. Add a little dish soap (like Dawn) to your vinegar solution to dramatically increase its effectiveness. Great for poison ivy eradication. It works by cutting the liquid surface tension so it coats rather than beads. Water with dish soap kills a lot of insects like aphids and wasps.

  3. If you do solarization after you pull the tarp up water the area and let it sit uncovered for a few days before doing a 2nd round of solarization. This let's any surviving seeds germinate so you can kill them and guarantee the area is clear of weeds.

  4. We battled to reclaim an area in Michigan overtaken by bindweed. Took several years to get it back into viable production organically. Not certain it was worth the effort…

  5. Thanks, Luke! What would you recommend for those wild orange daylilies? I tried digging them up the last few years but they keep coming back. They were here when I moved here over 20 years ago. Also, for creeping Charlie and violets that are in among the grass? Thanks!

  6. Did so much weeding this week and they’re already coming back. Going to try the vinegar. Great tips! Will this be okay to use on that creeping Charlie when it’s growing on the lawn or will I wind up killing the grass also?

  7. Pull them by hand, its not work if you keep at it and don't let them get out of control.
    That's what I do, its like a Zen thing for me.
    Just me and my garden.
    And I have a large garden, it keeps me in bliss for the whole summer.

  8. #4 method. Black Tarp and death to the soil microbes and beneficialbacteria. Question. Can microbial life be reintroduced into the soil afterwards with a JADAM fertilizer? I'm guessing so. Thoughts? Anyone…

  9. I want to help you by telling you this to save money and reusing paper. You can make pot with just paper (which is biodegradable and can just be put into the soil). By using paper, you can plant carrots indoor and you reused paper that otherwise will be thrown away or recycle (recycling paper required lot of water). You can say money on Jiffy pot and paper itself is strong. Look it up on YouTube.

  10. Can you do solarization in Michigan in the winter? Will that heat up the soil so much to kill the beneficial bacteria and fungi during the winter?

  11. 7. Eat them. The vast majority of weeds are edible, and they're free. Around here, we've got dandelions, Creeping Charlie, purple deadnettle, bindweed, wild onions, field pennycress, wild amaranth, Queen Anne's lace (wild carrot) wild plantain, and narrow-leafed plantain.
    8. Leave them be for pollinators. Very often the plants we consider weeds are the first to put out flowers in the spring.
    9. Leave them as a distraction for pests. I already had deer come through once, but fortunately most of the damage was to the dandelions.

  12. Does lemon juice instead of vinegar work?
    I live in a Place in Italy where wild plants are the hardest to remove. I have like 10 different kind of wild climbing plants and they all live together and grow very fast, covering and killing all the garden in no time. 1 week of groth and all my garden get covered. Using the hand Is painfull becouse some plants are barbed.
    I have a personal method that i learned with esperienze to remove grass, it's like your, covering the soil, but with mulch made of degraded leaves, well or simply with leaves like many do. It's the easiest and the best to mulch the soil for the next year.
    The other methods can damage the soil , so for gardening this one is always the best.

  13. Both vinegar or salt usage is forbidden in Europe even for commercial conventional growers. Both effects the environment in the long term. Vinegar might disintegrate quickly, but in the concentrations it kills weeds it kills insects and small animals too. So any frog or toad hiding will be killed or insured. And this animal might be you. Spraying distilled vinegar without goggles might insure your eyes severely. With a bit bad luck, you might turn blind. Moreover, using herbicides on pathways is considered off label usage and again actually forbidden. I do appreciate that the legal frame might be different in your location, but nature is not.

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